350 9 Mesoscale Convective Systems
convection. The heavy, black line indicates the boundary of the precipitation, as
seen by radar. The light, scalloped line indicates the horizontal and vertical extent
of the cloud, as determined from visual observation, satellite imagery, or ra-
diosonde data. The intermediate and dark shading indicate regions of enhanced
radar reflectivity. Vertically oriented cores of high reflectivity mark the showers
of heavy rain in the leading convective region of the storm. The trailing region of
stratiform rain shown in Fig. 9.13 is characterized by a marked radar bright band
(Sec. 6.1.2).
Streamlines of the airflow in Fig. 9.13 indicate a general trend of upward motion
beginning in the boundary layer near the gust front, extending up through the
convective region, and sloping more gently into the trailing stratiform cloud at
middle to upper levels. There is, at the same time, a general trend of downward
motion in a current of rear inflow, which runs under the base of the trailing
stratiform cloud and enters the stratiform region
above the
level. This
descending current subsides to the level of the radar bright band, passes through
the melting level, and finally enters the back of the convective region at low levels,
where it reinforces convergence and overturning at the leading gust front.
Superimposed on the general upflow within the convective region are intense,
localized updrafts and downdrafts, associated with the intense rain showers lo-
cated there. New convective cells tend to form on or
ahead of the leading edge
of the region of heavy convective showers. The first radar echo appears aloft,
evidently associated with a strong, convective updraft. This developing cell is
followed by a mature cell, which has a deep, strong reflectivity core and is associ-
ated with heavy surface rainfall. The mature cell contains an intense narrow
updraft that can penetrate above the top of the broad cirriform cloud shield. This
updraft is often followed by a convective-scale downdraft at middle to upper
levels. Following the mature cell is an older cell. Though in a weakening stage, the
older cell is also characterized by an updraft core, which is, in turn, followed by
another mid- to upper-level convective-scale downdraft. Older cells are advected
rearward over a layer of dense, subsiding, storm-relative rear inflow. In the heavy
rain from the mature and older cells, low-level convective-scale downdrafts
spread out in the boundary layer behind the gust front and toward the rear of the
system. They are of the type usually associated with precipitation drag and evapo-
ration in isolated thunderstorms and lines of thunderstorms (Sees. 8.2, 8.3, 8.9,
8.10, and 8.11). The arrangement of cells in the convective region, in order of their
stage of development, is similar to that of the multicell thunderstorm (cf. Fig. 8.7)
and in the line of thunderstorms discussed in Sec. 8.11 (Figs. 8.57 and 8.58). The
multicellular nature of the convective region will be examined in more detail in
The schematic cross section in Fig. 9.13 represents the mature stage in the life
of the mesoscale convective system (which undergoes the type of life cycle sche-
matized in Figs. 6.11 and 9.11). During the formative and intensifying stages, the
stratiform rain region is not present, and the cells tend to be more intense. The
numerical-model simulations of thunderstorm-line development discussed in Sec.
8.11 represent these earlier stages of the storm. Those calculations suggest that
the cells may regenerate somewhat periodically for the first few hours of the