106 Chapter 2.3: Vacuum Blowers
Note that power for compression is dependent on blower displacement and delta
P but independent of gas species. In the absence of specific information, approxi-
mately 20% may be added to the calculated power for the power to overcome fric-
tion but it would be best to contact the manufacturer for this value. In addition
to these power requirements, each blower has lower and (as might be expected)
upper power limits. The lower limit is established by the power required to over-
come friction and impeller inertia when accelerating the impellers from a stand-
ing start to operating speed with no gas load. The upper limit is dictated by the
mechanical strength of the operating components: impellers, gears, shafts, bear-
etc. These data must also be obtained from the manufacturer.
TEMPERATURE CONSIDERATIONS Maximum Allowable Temperature Rise
A maximum allowable continuous gas temperature rise is established by the
blower manufacturers to prevent seizure from excessive differential expansion be-
tween the impellers and casing. The maximum rise allowed varies with blower
size and manufacturer but a fair average may be 100°C, based on a maximum in-
let temperature of 37°C. The differential expansion occurs because both the cas-
ing and impellers absorb significant amounts of the heat of compression, but the
impeller is partially insulated by vacuum and expands at a greater rate than the
casing. Gas temperature rise may be calculated as follows:
= degrees Kelvin discharge temperature
Ti = degrees Kelvin inlet temperature
k = c^lc^ =1.4 air
F = temperature rise factor
The temperature rise factor, F, is obtained empirically and accounts for heat
loss by radiation and convection. Figure 8 illustrates typical (varies with the
blower) factors related to inlet pressure, compression ratio, and rotational speed.
Note that as compression ratio decreases and rotational speed increases, the fac-
tor increases. These trends increase efficiency, which tends to decrease the theo-
retical temperature rise. However, the increased efficiency also results in less
thermal losses, hence an increase in the factor.
When inlet temperatures are above 37°C, the maximum allowable temperature