Like light, X-rays travel in straight lines, but whilst metals are opaque
to light they are moderately transparent to X-rays, particularly those of
high frequency. Fig. 2.15 illustrates the principle of radiography. A casting
is interposed between a shielded source of X-rays and a photographic film.
Some of the radiation will be absorbed by the metal so that the density of
the photographic image will vary with the thickness of the metal through
which the rays have passed.
2.92 X-rays are absorbed logarithmically—
/ =
Where I
and / are the intensities of incident and emergent radiation
respectively, d the thickness and pi the linear coefficient of absorption of
radiation, (i is lower for radiation of higher frequency.
A cavity in the casting will result in those X-rays which pass through the
cavity being less effectively absorbed than those rays which travel through
the full thickness of metal. Consequently the cavity will show as a dark
patch on the resultant photographic negative in the same way that a greater
intensity of light affects an ordinary photographic negative.
A fluorescent screen may be substituted for the photographic film so
that the resultant radiograph may be viewed instantaneously. This type of
fluoroscopy is obviously much cheaper and quicker but is less sensitive
than photography and its use is generally limited to the less-dense metals
and alloys.
2.93 y-ray Methods can also be used in the radiography of metals. Since
they are of shorter wavelength than are X-rays, they are able to penetrate
more effectively a greater thickness of metal. Hence they are particularly
useful in the radiography of steel, which absorbs radiation more readily
than do light alloys.
2.94 y-rays constitute a major proportion of the dangerous radiation
emanating from 'nuclear waste' and from the fall-out of nuclear explosions.
Initially naturally-occurring radium and radon (18.70) were used as a
source of y-rays but artificially activated isotopes of other elements are
now generally used. These activated isotopes are prepared by bombarding
the element with neutrons in an atomic pile. A nucleus struck by a neutron
absorbs it and then contains an excess of energy which is subsequently
released as y-rays. Commonly used isotopes are shown in Table 2.4. Of
these iridium-192 and cobalt-60 are the most widely used in industry.
2.95 Manipulation of the isotope as a source of y-radiation in metallur-
gical radiography is in many respects more simple than is the case with
X-rays, though security arrangements are extremely important in view of
the facts that y-radiation is 'harder' than X-radiation and that it takes place
continuously from the source without any outside stimulation. All y-ray
sources are controlled remotely, generally using a manual wind-out system
(Fig. 2.16). When not in use the isotope is stored in a shielded container
of some y-ray absorbent material such as lead. Because they are 'harder'
than X-rays, y-rays can be used to radiograph considerable thicknesses of
steel. Since the radiation source is small and compact and needs no external