Chemical Combination
It was mentioned above that chemical combination between two
atoms is governed by the number of electrons in the outer electron shell
of each. Moreover, it was pointed out that those elements whose atoms
had eight electrons in the outer shell (the noble gases neon and argon) had
no inclination to combine with other elements and therefore had no chemi-
cal affinity. It is therefore reasonable to suppose that the completion of
the 'octet' of electrons in the outer shell of an atom leads to a valence of
The noble gas helium, with a completed 'duplet' of electrons in the
single shell, behaves in a similar manner.
As far as the simpler atoms we have been discussing are concerned the
tendency is for them to attempt to attain this noble-gas structure of a stable
octet (or duplet) of electrons in the outer shell. Their chemical properties
are reflected in this tendency. With the more complex atoms the situation
is not quite so simple, since these atoms possess larger outer shells which
are generally sub-divided, to the extent that electrons may begin to fill a
new outer 'sub-shell' before the penultimate sub-shell has been completed.
As mentioned above this would explain the existence of groups of metallic
elements the properties of which are transitional between those of one
well-defined group and those of the next. The broad principles of the
electronic theory of valence mentioned here in connection with the simpler
atoms will apply. On these general lines three main forms of combination
1.71 Electro-valent Combination In this type of combination a metallic
atom loses the electrons which constitute its outer shell (or sub-shell) and
the number of electrons so lost are equivalent to the numerical valence of
the element. These lost electrons are transferred to the outer electron shells
of the non-metallic atom (or atoms) with which the metal is combining. In
this way a complete shell of electrons is left behind in the metallic particle
whilst a hitherto incomplete shell is filled in the non-metallic particle.
Let us consider the combination which takes place between the metal
sodium and the non-metal chlorine to form sodium chloride (common
The sodium atom has a single electron in its outer shell and this
transfers to join the seven electrons in the outer shell of the chlorine atom.
When this occurs each resultant particle is left with a complete octet in the
outer shell. (The sodium particle now has the same electron structure as the
noble gas neon, and the chlorine particle has the same electron structure as
the noble gas argon.) The balance of electrical charges which existed
between protons and electrons in the original atoms is, however, upset.
Since the sodium atom has lost a negatively charged particle (an electron),
the remaining sodium particle must now possess a resultant positive charge.
Meanwhile the chlorine atom has gained this electron so the resultant
chlorine particle must carry a negative charge. These charged particles,
derived from atoms in this manner, are called ions. In terms of symbols
the sodium ion is written thus, Na
, and the chlorine ion, Cl".
1.72 Since sodium ions and chlorine ions are oppositely charged they