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Rohrer, 1983) and electronic (Hamers et al., 1986) structure was solved
in pioneering STM experiments, and which continues to play an impor-
tant role in STM technique development. Figure 15–5a shows a struc-
ture model of the (7 × 7) reconstruction (Takayanagi et al., 1985). Figure
15–5b, obtained at negative sample bias (V = −1.0 V), i.e., with electrons
tunneling from occupied sample states to unoccupied tip states, shows
the corrugation associated with fi lled states of the sample. Conversely,
Figure 15–5c, obtained at positive sample bias (V = +1.2 V), maps the
empty states of the sample. Both images show atomic resolution, clearly
resolving the twelve adatoms (“a”) per unit cell. In addition character-
istic deep “corner holes” (“c”) bounding the diagonals of the 4.6 nm ×
2.9 nm rhombohedral unit cell are imaged.
While all adatoms are mapped uniformly in the empty state image,
the fi lled state scan shows one-half of the unit cell somewhat higher
than the other, an effect on the charge density due to the different
stacking sequence of atomic layers in the two halves of the unit cell. A
comparison of the images obtained at opposite bias polarity suggests
that in addition to surface topography, the electronic structure of the
sample surface adds substantially to the contrast observed in STM
imaging. This is implicit also in Eq. (1) via the dependence of the tun-
neling current on the local densities of states of both tip and sample at
the tunneling contact. Note also that the rest atoms (“r”), a second
near-surface species with dangling bonds protruding into the vacuum,
are imaged neither at positive nor at negative sample bias. A detailed
discussion of bias-dependent imaging and other tunneling spectro-
scopy methods used to assess the local electronic structure of a sample
surface is given in Section 3.
Apart from the structure of clean Si surfaces, Si-based surface chem-
istry has been studied widely by STM. Initial studies provided a knowl-
edge base for technological processes, such as reactive ion etching,
doping, and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). STM was used to probe
interactions of Si with halogens (Boland, 1993) and with small mole-
cules involved in surface passivation (H
, H; Laracuente and Whitman,
2001), doping (PH
; Wang et al., 1994a), and CVD growth (Si
; Wang
et al., 1994b). More recent research directions include the integration
of molecular electronic elements with Si. Under this perspective, the
covalent bonding of a wide variety of organic molecules on Si has been
studied (for a review, see Wolkow, 1999), including small molecules
such as ethylene (Mayne et al., 1993) and acetylene (Li et al., 1997),
simple alkenes (e.g., propylene; Lopinski et al., 1998) and polyenes (e.g.,
1,3-cyclohexadiene; Hovis and Hamers, 1997), pentacene (Kasaya et al,
1998), and benzene (Borovski et al., 1998). On clean Si(001), adsorption
is from the gas phase in UHV. H-passivated Si can also be modifi ed by
ex situ wet-chemical techniques, and reintroduced into UHV for STM
Traditionally, an important aspect of the surface science of semicon-
ductors has been epitaxial growth. STM observations at initial growth
stages, i.e., at coverages of fractions of a monolayer (ML) up to several
ML, can provide direct insight into fundamental processes such as
adatom diffusion, incorporation into steps, and nucleation of mono-