1000 P. Sutter
are immobile on the adsorbate-free surface. Vacancy diffusion is greatly
enhanced by adsorbed O
. At temperatures suffi ciently low that the
diffusion of adsorbed O
molecules can be captured by STM, the sub-
traction of consecutive frames in time-lapse STM shows that single
oxygen vacancies diffuse along [11
0] from one bridging O row to the
next, always in the presence of neighboring O
The role of O
molecules in the vacancy diffusion process is estab-
lished from detailed investigation of single vacancy hops, again based
on time-lapse STM movies at low temperature. As an O
molecule dif-
fusing along a Ti row approaches an oxygen vacancy, it dissociates and
contributes one oxygen atom toward healing the vacancy, thus creating
a metastable intermediate consisting of a single O atom. The O adatom
is highly reactive, as corroborated in separate experiments involving
dosing of atomic oxygen. It rapidly recombines with a bridging O atom
and emerges as an O
molecule. If in this process the bridging O atom
is removed from one of the adjacent rows, the net result is a diffusion
jump of an oxygen vacancy by one bridging oxygen row. Given this
-mediated mechanism of oxygen vacancy diffusion, the rate of dif-
fusion events is expected to scale linearly with O
coverage. STM
movies obtained at different O
exposure show that this is indeed the
While early imaging of dynamic surface processes was performed
almost invariably in UHV, several applications require STM imaging
in what is seen as more “realistic” environments for those applications.
A prominent example is heterogeneous catalysis. It has been recog-
nized that actual reactions under technologically relevant conditions,
often involving elevated temperatures and pressures at or above atmo-
spheric pressure, can involve surface structures and compositions, and
entire reaction mechanisms that differ substantially, even qualitatively,
from those of “simulated” reactions running in UHV, a situation com-
monly termed the “pressure gap” problem of heterogeneous catalysis.
To address the need for imaging with high spatial and temporal resolu-
tion at elevated pressure, a family of dedicated STM instruments was
developed (Rasmussen et al., 1998; Jensen et al., 1999; Lægsgaard et al.,
2001; Rößler et al., 2005). These instruments allow sample preparation
and surface analysis in UHV, followed by exposure to reactants at high
pressure and simultaneous STM imaging. A particularly elegant imple-
mentation of this concept is the “reactor STM,” allowing dynamic STM
imaging of surfaces exposed to reactants in a compact catalytic fl ow
reactor in combination with the simultaneous analysis of the reaction
products by mass spectrometry.
Figure 15–23 shows an example of a complex dataset obtained during
high-pressure CO oxidation on Pt(110) (Hendriksen and Frenken,
2002). The upper panel traces mass spectrometer signals for O
, CO,
and CO
, showing initial exposure to CO, followed by the introduction
of molecular oxygen into the reactor. The panel below shows represen-
tative STM images obtained at specifi c stages of the reaction, during
which the sample is kept at a constant temperature of 425 K. Images A,
B, E, F, and H show fl at terraces separated by steps, representing the
metallic, CO-covered Pt(110) surface. Image C shows the change in