988 P. Sutter
of the surface state density. The spectra show three distinct peaks
associated with surface states. Peak C is related to a state in the GaAs
conduction band, localized on the Ga atoms, while peak V stems from
a valence state localized on the As anions. Peak D is associated with
tunneling of dopant-induced carriers within the bulk band gap. The
separation between the leading edges of the C and V peaks is close to
the bulk band gap of GaAs (E
= 1.43 eV), i.e., in this system tunneling
spectroscopy can be used to determine the band gap. Figure 15–14b)
shows tunneling conductance spectra on the (110) cleavage surface of
another III–V compound, InP. Also for InP, the band gap (∼1.4 eV) is
evident from sharp onsets of signifi cant state density at the valence
and conduction band edges. However, for this system it was argued
that a wider surface band gap (∼1.9 eV) is indirect, delimited by a
surface state C
at the edge of the surface Brillouin zone and a broad-
ened state A5 at the zone center.
A natural, albeit experimentally much more complex extension of
local I(V) spectroscopy is the measurement of tunneling spectra, as
discussed above, at each image pixel of a constant-current STM scan.
This measuring scheme is called current-imaging tunneling spectro-
scopy (CITS). Since complete I(V) spectra are obtained at each image
point, the corresponding data sets can provide a full range of spectro-
scopic information. As an example, current maps I(x, y) at fi xed tip–
sample bias can be produced. Instead, the voltage dependent tunneling
conductance dI(V)/dV can be calculated numerically and mapped as a
function of sample position. If the chosen voltage corresponds to the
energy of a surface state of the sample, conductance maps will provide
a direct image of the spatial distribution of that state. Due to the com-
plexity of the data acquisition, the experimental requirements for CITS
are quite stringent. Since complete I(V) curves are measured at each
image pixel, requiring the stopping of a scan and deactivation of the
feedback loop for a fraction of a second per spectrum, a very high sta-
bility of the tunneling gap and low lateral drift of the tip relative to
the sample are of key importance. These conditions are more easily
fulfi lled at cryogenic temperatures, where a z-stability of the order of
1 pm and lateral drift velocities of the order of few Å/hour are possible.
Low temperatures also reduce the thermal broadening of the tunneling
transmission coeffi cient T(E), and thus narrow the linewidth of fea-
tures in the tunneling spectra.
A classic example of the application of CITS, the measurement of the
electronic structure of Si(111)-(7 × 7), is shown in Figure 15–15 (Hamers
et al., 1986). Shown are a constant current image of the surface at +2 V
sample bias (a), as well as current images acquired during the same
scan at bias voltages of +1.45 V and −1.45 V, showing spatial maps of
unoccupied (+)/occupied (−) sample states at energies up to 1.45 eV
above/below the Fermi energy. CITS difference images, a precursor to
modern dI/dV maps, discussed below, calculated by numerically sub-
tracting current images at energies bracketing those of specifi c surface
states, allowed the mapping of the adatom state, dangling bond, and
backbond state on this complex reconstructed surface.