998 P. Sutter
4.2 Capturing Dynamic Surface Processes: STM Movies and
Atom Tracking
The most popular approach for imaging dynamic processes involves
repeated scanning of the same sample area to generate a time-lapse
STM “movie.” This capability has been used to study a wide variety of
phenomena, including step dynamics (Kuipers et al., 1993), epitaxial
growth (Voigtländer and Zinner, 1993), self-diffusion on semiconduc-
tor (Borovski et al., 1997) and metal surfaces (Horch et al., 1999), as well
as diffusion of adsorbates (Wintterlin et al., 1997) and large molecules
(Schunack et al., 2002). If rates of dynamic processes, such as surface
diffusion, are measured at several temperatures, activation energies of
these processes can be determined. Complex reaction pathways,
in cluding adsorption, diffusion, dissociation, etc., can be elucidated at
the atomic scale, and active sites can be identifi ed.
As a near-fi eld microscopy technique STM is based on raster scan-
ning a probe tip. The scan speed is limited by the resonance frequency
of the scanning element, typically below about 10 kHz, and by the
electronic bandwidths of the tunneling current amplifi er and feedback
circuit. Frame rates in STM movies can be expected to be inherently
lower than those in parallel imaging techniques, such as transmission
electron microscopy or low-energy electron microscopy (Bauer, 1998;
Tromp, 2000). To achieve adequate time resolution, the scan sizes in
STM movies tend to be small, of the order of 10
pixels. Additional
measures are typically necessary to deal with slow imaging rates and
capture the detailed time evolution of a given process. Whenever a
phenomenon under consideration permits, cooling of the substrate can
be employed to slow the rates of thermally activated processes. In thin
fi lm growth, slow evaporation rates are employed. In studying surface
reactions involving adsorption from the gas phase, e.g., on catalysts,
low partial pressures of the reactive species in the gas phase are main-
tained. As an alternative to these often rather restrictive provisions, the
development of high-speed microscopes and control electronics has
been a focus of active research recently. As an example, scanners with
mechanical resonances in the range between 50 and 100 kHz have been
developed. Combined with a fast current amplifi er (600 kHz band-
width) and feedback loop (1 MHz), atomically resolved images have
been obtained at rates approaching 200 frames/s (Rost et al., 2005).
Such exciting instrument developments may in the future allow the
imaging of new classes of dynamic surface phenomena at relaxed
ambient conditions (higher temperatures, pressure, and growth rates)
by STM.
To illustrate the use of STM movies at cryogenic temperatures to
identify and quantify dynamic surface processes, we discuss the
example of rutile TiO
(110), which has emerged as the prototypical
system for fundamental surface science studies of transition metal
oxides (Figure 15–21). TiO
has numerous applications in areas as
diverse as heterogeneous catalysis, solar cells, photocatalysis, and
organic waste remediation, and STM plays a key role in elucidating its
fundamental surface processes. The TiO
(110)-(1 × 1) surface consists