Chapter 14 Scanning Probe Microscopy in Materials Science 945
contact or noncontact regimes; and not only amplitude, but also fi rst,
second, and third harmonics of amplitude (or phase) can be detected.
The relation between these operational regimes is shown in Figure
14–10. For example, conventional AFM is a noncontact, mechanically
driven oscillation with amplitude or phase-based detection. The newer
piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM) is in contact mode, electrically
driven, and with phase-based detection. Static or periodic electric or
magnetic fi elds can be applied to the sample, independent of the tip
signal. An underlying theme of the newest developments is the use of
multiple signal modulations or high order harmonics of modulated
signals. Within this framework several techniques that address trans-
port and dielectric properties will be reviewed.
3.1 Advanced SPM Techniques for Transport Properties
Perhaps the most common of the so-called “advanced” SPM techniques
is scanning surface potential microscopy (SSPM), sometimes referred
to as Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), which maps the work
function of surfaces.
In SSPM, the cantilever oscillation is driven
electrically. This is a noncontact (generally 50–200 nm separation)
probe, with feedback on the fi rst harmonic (Figure 14–11). An ac voltage
Table 14–2. Properties accessible with scanning probe microscopy.
Tech nique Mode Property References
AFM nc/ic, mech, phase/amp vdW interaction, topography [2–5]
EFM nc, mech, phase/amp Electrostatic force [2–5]
MFM nc, mech, phase/amp Magnetic force, current fl ow [2–5]
SSPM nc, elec, 1st harmonic Potential, work function, [2–5, 56–75]
(KPM) adsorbate enthalpy/entropy
SCM c, F, cap sensor Capacitance, relative dopant density [2–5, 82, 84–87,
SCFM c, elec, 3rd harmonic dC/dV, dopant profi le 89–92]
SSRM c, F, dc current Resistivity, relative dopant density [2–5, 81–83, 87]
SGM nc, elec, amp Current fl ow, local band energy, [2–5, 97]
contact potential variation
SIM nc, elec, phase/amp Interface potential, capacitance, time [93, 97, 99]
constant, local band energy,
potential, current fl ow (in
combination with SSPM)
NIM c, F, freq spectrum Interface potential, capacitance, time [102–104]
constant, dopant profi ling
PFM c, elec, phase/amp d33 [63, 105–111, 125,
126, 128, 129]
NPFM c, elec, 2nd harmonic Switching dynamics, relaxation time [130]
and domain nucleation
SNDM c, F, 1st or 3rd harmonic dC/dV, dielectric constant [133, 134]
NFMM c, F, phase Microwave losses, d33 [135–138]