Chapter 13 Principles and Applications of Zone Plate X-Ray Microscopes 871
maximum resolution, they have often used undulators as high bright-
ness sources (Rarback et al., 1988; Kenney et al., 1989; Morrison et al.,
1989b) though excellent performance has also been obtained using
bending magnet sources on low emittance storage rings (Kilcoyne
et al., 2003). While a large number of STXMs are now in operation, we
describe here the characteristics of the most recent in a series (Rarback
et al., 1988; Jacobsen et al., 1991; Feser et al., 1998, 2000) of undulator-
based scanning microscopes built at Stony Brook University for opera-
tion at the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National
Laboratory in New York. A soft X-ray undulator plus spherical grating
monochromator with an energy resolution that can be as good as
0.06 eV at 290 eV (Winn et al., 2000) is used to deliver soft X-rays to a
2D exit slit which can limit the beam size in the range 25–120 µm in
both x and y. This slit then serves as a secondary radiation source for
zone plates of either 80 or 160 µm diameter and zone widths of 30–
45 nm (Spector et al., 1997; Tennant et al., 2000), producing a focal spot
of 36–54 nm Rayleigh resolution. The beam emerges from the ultra high
vacuum synchrotron beam line into an atmospheric pressure environ-
ment by passing through a 100 nm thick Si
window. The zone plate
includes a central stop of about half the zone plate diameter; this stop
must be made quite thick (0.3 µm gold is common for soft X-ray applica-
tions) so that the undiffracted light transmitted through the large
central stop is kept to a very small level compared to the fl ux in the
focused X-ray beam. The zone plate is then followed by an order sorting
or selecting aperture (OSA) so that a pure fi rst-order focal spot is
While steering mirrors are used to scan the beam in visible light
scanning microscopes, it is easier to maintain signal uniformity by
keeping the beam and zone plate fi xed and scanning the specimen
through the focal spot. This is accomplished using an X-Y-Z stack of
stepping motor stages for large motion with 1 µm precision, and a piezo
scanning stage for 50–100 µm range and nanometer precision. Because
piezos have nonlinearities and hysteresis in their response to scan volt-
ages, some form of closed-loop feedback is generally used, based on
position signals such those provided by linear voltage differential
transformers (Kenney et al., 1985), capacitance micrometers (Jacobsen
et al., 1991), or laser interferometers (Shu et al., 1988; Kilcoyne et al.,
2003); the latest Stony Brook STXM allows the user to choose between
capacitive or laser interferometer feedback. The specimen is then fol-
lowed by a high effi ciency X-ray detector; common choices include the
use of gas-based proportional counters which offer extremely high
effi ciency of detection for those X-rays that make it through a thin
entrance window (Rarback et al., 1980; Kenney et al., 1985; Feser et al.,
2000) but which suffer from a count-rate limit of about 1 MHz. Alterna-
tives are phosphor-coated screens followed by photomultipliers to
detect the resulting visible light (Maser et al., 2000), and solid state
detectors which are capable of signifi cantly higher signal rates (Barrett
et al., 1998; Wiesemann et al., 2000; Feser et al., 2001, 2003; Guttmann
et al., 2001). In the Stony Brook STXM, the user can choose between
proportional counter and segmented silicon detectors, and a visible