Chapter 13 Principles and Applications of Zone Plate X-Ray Microscopes 867
3.1 Microscope Layouts and Illumination Schemes
3.1.1 Transmission X-Ray Microscope (TXM) Layout
Full-fi eld transmission X-ray microscopes (TXMs) typically use a zone
plate to produce a magnifi ed image of the specimen on a 2D detector.
This approach was pioneered by the group of G. Schmahl at the Uni-
versität Göttingen, who, after initial experiments including refl ection-
grating monochromators (Niemann et al., 1976) switched to using a
condenser zone plate as the sole monochromator (Rudolph et al., 1984).
This latter approach is now used by a number of TXMs, including the
XM-1 at Lawrence Berkeley Lab (Meyer-Ilse et al., 1994, 2001) for which
we provide some example numbers. As shown in Figure 13–15a, the
beam from the synchrotron bending magnet source is defl ected by a
grazing-incidence mirror which fi lters out the power due to high-
energy X-rays, passes through a thin metal fi lter to remove visible and
ultraviolet radiation, and is then imaged by the condenser zone plate
onto a pinhole located just upstream of the specimen. As noted in
Section 2.4.3 on condenser zone plates, the condenser zone plate (of
diameter D = 9 mm) and the pinhole (of diameter d ≈ 10–20 µm), together
are equivalent to a monochromator of resolving power equal to D/(2d)
(Niemann, 1974). Because the light transmitted by the objective zone
plate includes a signifi cant undiffracted (zero order) component which
must not reach the detector, the illumination of the sample needs to be
hollow-cone and this is achieved by means of a stop built into the
condenser, blocking a central circle of radius about one third to one
half of the condenser radius. The objective zone plate used by XM-1 in
the resolution test described above had the following characteristics:
outer zone width ∆r
= 15 nm, diameter d = 30 µm, 500 zones of 80 nm
thick gold (giving a maximum aspect ratio of 5 : 1), and focal length
f = 0.3 mm at 815 eV. This is the highest resolution zone plate used to
date and slightly larger outer zone widths (25–30) are used for routine
user operations. The vertical phase space area of the synchrotron
source is generally smaller than its horizontal phase-space area and
smaller than that of the microscope (which equals object full-width d
times twice the objective NA). Since the condenser zone plate cannot
expand the phase space, both the object width and the numerical aper-
ture of the objective of a TXM will generally be underfi lled. To counter
the under fi lling of the object fi eld, the condenser is usually “wobbled”
up and down during the course of an exposure. This type of micro-
scope layout, in which the source is imaged on to the sample, is known
as “critical illumination” (Born and Wolf, 1999) and is widely used for
amplitude contrast.
Traditionally, the specimen has been placed in an atmospheric pres-
sure environment and to accomplish this, thin vacuum windows
(100 nm Si
or Si are common) can be used between the condenser
and the specimen, and also between the specimen and the objective
zone plate. Because the focal length of the objective zone plate is quite
small (for example, in the case of a 25-nm-outermost-zone-width, 60-
µm-diameter zone plate operating at 530 eV it would be 1.3 mm.), the
specimen region lying between these two windows is quite constrained.