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For studies at the carbon edge, one can characterize the observed set
of near-edge resonances in terms of a limited number of functional
group types (see e.g., Scheinost et al., 2001). While there are a number
of open questions regarding this approach (for example, how many
resonances should be used, with what range of allowed center photon
energies, and what range of energy widths?), confi dence in it can be
enhanced by correlation with other spectroscopies such as solid-state
nuclear magnetic resonance (Scheinost et al., 2001; Schumacher et al.,
2005) and Fourier transform infrared (Solomon et al., 2005).
4 Applications
Two decades ago, nearly all research using X-ray microscopes was done
by the groups that had developed the instruments. Today, most X-ray
microscopes are operated as user facilities at synchrotron radiation
research centers, and are used both by their developers but also by a
wider community of scientists. As a result, while it was originally pos-
sible to see the major applications of X-ray microscopes in conference
proceedings (Schmahl and Rudolph, 1984a; Sayre et al., 1988; Michette
et al., 1992), papers in which X-ray microscopes were used to address
the problem of interest now appear across a very wide array of scien-
tifi c journals. In what follows, we do not presume to be exhaustive in
coverage of all research using X-ray microscopes; instead, we will
briefl y highlight a few examples from some of the areas of present
4.1 Biology
X-ray microscopes using zone plates and synchrotron radiation have
been used for studies of biological specimens from the start (Niemann
et al., 1976; Rarback et al., 1980), and a number of reviews have concen-
trated on biological applications of X-ray microscopes (see for example
Kirz et al., 1995) for background information and older results, or
Abraham-Peskir, (2000). One emphasis has been on high resolution
imaging of whole cells at “water window” wavelengths (see Figure
13–28), including studies of human sperm (Chantler and Abraham-
Peskir, 2004), malaria in red blood cells (Magowan et al., 1997),
Kupffer cells (Scharf and Schneider, 1999) and COS cells
(Yamamoto et al., 1998) from liver, protists (Abraham-Peskir, 1998), and
chromosomes (Guttmann et al., 1992; Williams et al., 1993; Kinjo et al.,
1994) among other examples. As soft X-ray microscopes push to higher
spatial resolution, views through whole cells will involve a great deal
of overlap of structure, but several developments offer information
beyond two-dimensional images with natural contrast. One of these is
to use molecular labeling methods to tag specifi c proteins (such as is
done with great success in visible light microscopy). Several groups
have demonstrated the use of gold labeling in X-ray microscopes,
including detection by dark fi eld (Chapman et al., 1996c) (see Figure
13–29) and bright fi eld (Meyer-Ilse, 2001 et al.,; Vogt et al., 2001b)
approaches. One of the challenges faced thus far is that the label must