884 M. Howells et al.
achieved value was about 1.0∆r
(<15 nm). The data demonstrating the
achieved resolution are shown in Figure 13–13. By reciprocity, the same
arguments about the value of the diffraction-limited resolution would
apply for a STXM in incoherent bright fi eld using the same zone plate.
With a large enough detector one would achieve s = 1 and the same
diffraction-limited resolution as a TXM with s = 1.
3.3.6 Coherence in Zernike Phase Contrast
We return now to the question of the choice of width and radius for
the two rings in a Zernike phase-contrast confi guration of the TXM,
or, equivalently, how much coherence is desirable in this case. This
choice has been discussed by (Mondal and Slansky, 1970) and is essen-
tially a trade off between light collection and the distorting effects of
the fact that the phase ring must have fi nite area, which applies an
unintended phase change to a certain portion of the diffracted light
causing the so-called halo effect (Wilson and Sheppard, 1981). It is
generally thought that one needs very little coherence, that is, the ring
aperture can leave a large fraction of the condenser area open. This is
true if the requirement is merely to make otherwise invisible phase
features, especially phase jumps, become visible. However, with low
coherence, a phase step is rendered as a double-peaked zero-crossing
function and a phase rect function is rendered as two such double
peaks. How much coherence do we need to get anything resembling a
faithful rendition of the object? We have not found much attention to
this point in the literature but the treatment by Martin (1966) provides
an answer, which is confi rmed by our own computer modeling. To get
a rendition of a rect function that looks like the original function one
needs to have the coherence width w
= lf
of light arriving at
the sample at least equal to the width of the rect function.
3.3.7 Propagation-Based Phase Contrast
Another way to achieve phase contrast is to exploit the exp[iπ(x
+ y
lz] phase shifts that occur in the (x, y) plane as a result of the propaga-
tion of a coherent wavefi eld through a distance z. This is exploited in
X-ray holographic microscopy which has had many successes (Aoki
and Kikuta, 1974; Joyeux, et al. 1988; Jacobsen et al., 1990; McNulty et
al., 1992; Snigirev et al., 1995; Lindaas et al., 1996; Eisebitt et al., 2004)
but which is so far not used for routine X-ray imaging. The exception
is in the use of holography for phase contrast tomography at higher X-
ray energies, where Cloetens and coworkers have achieved consider-
able success in routine micrometer-resolution tomography using a
phosphor/lens/CCD detector system (Cloetens et al., 1999). While it
lies beyond the scope of the present article’s emphasis on zone plate
X-ray microscopy, this unique approach is providing impressive 3D
reconstructions of diffi cult specimens including foams.
3.4 Tomography in X-Ray Microscopes
3.4.1 Principle of Operation
As was noted in Section 2.4.5 on hard X-ray zone plates, the transverse
resolution of a zone plate operated in fi rst diffraction order is given by