Chapter 12 Nanoscale Resolution in Far-Field Fluorescence Microscopy 827
realization of saturated depletion, since it requires only excitation
wavelength matching. However, as the fl uorescence emission maps the
spatially extended “majority population” in state B, the super resolved
images (represented by state A) are negative images hidden under a
bright signal from B. Hence photon noise from the large signal might
swamp the fl uorescence minima that occur when intensity zeros, where
no fl uorescence is excited, are colocalized with fl uorophores. The sub-
sequent computational extraction of the positive image is therefore
very dependent on an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. The saturation
intensity is of the same order as in STED microscopy, because the satu-
ration of fl uorescence also competes with the spontaneous decay of S
This probably results in photostability issues similar to the case of
STED. In fact, the photobleaching should be exacerbated, since the satu-
rated transition is effected with higher energy photons that are gener-
ally more prone to facilitating photochemical reactions. Pumping the
dye to a higher state rather than into the ground state also favors pho-
tolability. Moreover, the fact that a large number of dye molecules
constantly undergo excitation–emission cycles to image a compara-
tively small spot adds to the problem. Finally, saturation of the S
be possible only if the long-lived triplet state is not allowed to build up
during repeated excitation. As most dyes feature a triple relaxation rate
of >1 µs (that strongly depends on the environment), effective triplet
relaxation requires a pulse repetition rate <500 kHz. Nevertheless, due
to the simplicity of raw data acquisition it may remain an attractive
method for the imaging of very bright and photostable samples.
One possible solution to the quest for large saturation factors at low
intensities should be compounds with two (semi)stable states (Hell
et al., 2003; Dyba and Hell, 2002). If the rate k
(and the spontaneous
rate k
) almost vanish, large saturation factors are attained at very low
intensities. The lowest useful intensity is then determined by the
slowest acceptable imaging speed, which is ultimately determined by
the switching rate. A favorable aspect is that in most bistable com-
pounds the speed of the actual switching mechanism, i.e., of the con-
formational change, is less than a few nanoseconds, which is much
faster than the typical pixel dwell time in scanning. In the ideal case,
the marker indeed is a bistable fl uorescent compound that can be pho-
toswitched at separate wavelengths, from a fl uorescent state A to a dark
state B, and vice versa, where spontaneous rates will not infl uence this
Recently, a photoswitchable coupled molecular system, based on a
photochromic diary lethene derivative and a fl uorophore, has been
reported (Irie et al., 2002). Using the kinetic parameters reported, Eq.
(27) predicts that focusing of less than 100 µW of deep-blue “switchoff
light” to an area of 10
for 50 µs should yield better than 5 nm spatial
resolution. Future targeted optimization of photochromic or other com-
pounds to fatigue-free switching and visible light operation could there-
fore open up radically new avenues in microscopy and data storage (Hell
et al., 2003).
For live cell imaging, fl uorescent proteins have many advantages
over synthetic dyes. Many of them feature dark states with light-driven
transitions (Hell, 1997; Hell et al., 2003). If the spontaneous lifetimes of