812 S.W. Hell and A. Schönle
again, that is, the saturated transition is reversible. A saturated transi-
tion, such as a depletion of a state, introduces vast nonlinearities that
eventually prove essential for breaking the diffraction barrier.
An even closer examination of the underlying concept shows that in
fact any saturable transition between two states where the molecule
can be returned to its initial state is a potential candidate for breaking
the diffraction barrier (Hell, 1997; Hell et al., 2003; Dyba and Hell, 2002).
The general concept has therefore been termed RESOLFT. The transi-
tion utilized can be selected to match the practical conditions of the
imaging problem at hand, such as the required intensities, the available
light sources, and the avoidance of photobleaching. An important
aspect with respect to biological applications is the compatibility with
live cells.
The basic idea of the RESOLFT concept can be understood by consid-
ering a molecule with two arbitrary states A and B between which the
molecule can be transferred. In fl uorophores, typical examples for these
states are the ground and fi rst excited electronic states and conforma-
tional and isomeric states. The transition A → B is induced by light, but
no restriction is made about the transition B → A. It may be spontaneous,
but may also be induced by light, heat, or any other mechanism. The only
further assumption is that at least one of the two states is critical to the
generation of the signal. In fl uorescent microscopy this means that the
dye can fl uoresce only (or much more intensively) in state A. Such a
system may be exploited to generate diffraction-unlimited resolution in
fl uorescence imaging (or any kind or manipulation, probing, etc. that
depends on one of the states), which is illustrated in Figure 12–6.
We begin with all molecules or entities in the sample being in state A.
Our goal is to generate a diffraction-unlimited distribution of molecules
in state A. To this end, the sample is illuminated with light that drives
Figure 12–6. The RESOLFT principle. Diffraction-unlimited spatial resolution is achieved by saturat-
dye distribution of state A is illuminated by a strongly modulated intensity light distribution that
transfers the dye molecules to state B; ideally the modulation is perfect, so that the local intensity
will also be limited by diffraction, because I(r) is diffraction limited and the relationship between I
and N
is basically linear. (b) Increasing the maximum intensity moves the points at which I(r) reaches
(r) drops to 0.5, the FWHM of N
(r) is correspondingly reduced. (c) Further increasing the maximum
read out as the desired signal stemming from a narrow region. To obtain an image, the local minima
are scanned across the sample. If the signal stems from state A, the intensity values N
(r) are read out
subsequently and the image is assembled in a computer. If the signal is generated by the “majority
population in state B” (e.g., state B is the fl uorescent state) the function 1 − N
(r) is read out and the
image must be “inverted” later. This approach is challenged by signal-to-noise issues. (d) There is no
theoretical limit to this method and its resolution is ultimately determined by the available laser power
and the potentially limiting photodamage.
the transition from A to B. The intensity distribution I(r) of the illuminat-
The right-hand panel depicts the dependence of N (r) on the local intensity I(r), exhibiting the typical
I closer to the local intensity minimum, e.g., the zero. Because these are also the points at which
intensity beyond I leads to a further reduction of the FWHM. If A is the fl uorescent state, N (r) is
left-hand panel shows I(r) and the resultant probability N (r) of the dye molecules being in state A.
B. (a) At I(r) < I , the modulation of the light is replicated in N (r). The narrowest distribution of N (r)
ing a linear but reversible optical transition from state A to state B. The simple explanation: A uniform
saturation behavior. I is defi ned as the intensity at which half the molecules are transferred to state
minima actually are zeros. Here, we choose the narrowest possible modulation I(r) = cos (2πr/λ). The