798 S.W. Hell and A. Schönle
and Stelzer, 1992b; Gustafsson et al., 1995) if light is detected coherently
through both lenses. That is, the intensity maxima for excitation and
detection are located at different points in space.
Three major types of 4 Pi microscopy have been reported (Hell and
Stelzer, 1992a). They differ on whether the spherical wavefronts are
coherently added for illumination, for detection, or for both simultane-
ously; they are referred to as type A, B, and C, respectively. Usually
the detection has been confocalized, but in conjunction with TPE suc-
cessful axial separation with nonconfocal detection has also been
reported. Here we will concentrate on the TPE 4 Pi (type A), the 4 Pi
type C, and the TPE 4 Pi type C confocal microscopes. Of these three,
the TPE 4 Pi confocal microscope has been applied to the largest number
of imaging problems. It uses the very effective lobe-reducing measure
of TPE combined with “point-like” detection. In reality the size of the
“point-like” detector amounts to about the size of the main maximum
of the diffraction-limited fl uorescence spot (Airydisk), when imaged
into the focal plane of the objective lens.
Clearly, nonconfocal wide-fi eld detection and regular illumination
would make 4 Pi micro scopy more versatile. Therefore, the related
approach of I
M (Gustafsson et al., 1995, 1996, 1999; Gustafsson, 1999)
confi nes itself to using the simultaneous interference of both the excita-
tion and the (Stokes-shifted) fl uorescence wavefront pairs; the latter
are spherical as in a 4 Pi microscope. The potential benefi ts of I
M are
readily stated: single-photon excitation with arguably less photobleach-
ing, an additional 20–50% gain in fl uorescence signal, and lower cost.
This method has so far yielded 3D images of actin fi laments with an
axial resolution slightly better than 100 nm in fi xed cells (Gustafsson
et al., 1999). To remove the side-lobe artifacts, I
M-recorded data are
deconvolved offl ine. While the consideration of the OTF support in
Figure 12–3 suggests that this single mechanism is indeed suffi cient, it
turns out that the relaxation of the side-lobe suppression comes at the
expense of an increased vulnerability to sample-induced aberrations,
especially with nonsparse objects (Nagorni and Hell, 2001a, 2001b).
Thus I
M imaging, which has so far relied on oil immersion lenses, has
required mounting the cell in a medium with n = 1.5 (Gustafsson et al.,
1999). Live cells inevitably necessitate aqueous media (n = 1.34). More-
over, water immersion lenses have an inferior focusing angle and
therefore larger lobes to begin with (Bahlmann et al., 2001). Potential
strategies for improving the tolerance of I
M are the implementation of
a nonlinear excitation mode and its combination with pseudoconfocal
or patterned illumination (Gustafsson, 2000). While these measures
again add physical complexity, they may have the potential to render
M more suitable for live cells.
However, at this stage, the implementation of at least two of the
mechanisms above proved more reliable: After initial demonstration
of TPE 4 Pi confocal microscopy (Schrader and Hell, 1996), superre-
solved axial separation was applied to fi xed cells (Hell et al., 1997). The
image quality could be improved further by applying nonlinear resto-
ration (Holmes, 1988; Carrington et al., 1995; Holmes et al., 1995). Under
biological imaging conditions, this typically improves the resolution
up to a factor of two in both the transverse and the axial direction.