Chapter 11 Two-Photon Excitation Fluorescence Microscopy 777
second-harmonic generation offers the opportunity to investigate the
morphometric properties on the basis of the microstructure of blood
cells (Zoumi et al., 2004). Another promising fi eld is the investigation
of complex formation where the TPE properties will improve the infor-
mation accessible (Heinze et al., 2004). Another, more indirect usage
that provides a look at the sample with nanometer resolution is the
excitation of an evanescent wave at a metal surface (Novotny et al.,
1998). For microscopic purposes the evanescent wave needs to be local-
ized at a nanoparticle or a fi ne metal tip (Sánchez et al., 1999; Gerton
et al., 2004). The MPE microscope can also be used as an active device,
with increasing applications related to nanosurgery (König, 2000),
selective uncaging of caged compounds (Diaspro et al., 2003), and
photodynamic therapy (Bhalwalkar et al., 1997; So et al., 2000). Recently
TPE microscopy, even if in an evanescent-fi eld-induced confi guration,
has been extended to large area structures of the order of square cen-
timeters (Duveneck et al., 2001). This has application in the realization
of biosensing platforms such as genomic and proteomic microarrays
based upon large planar waveguides. It is easy to perceive that the
range of applicability of MPE microscopes is rapidly increasing in the
biomedical, biotechnological, and biophysical sciences and is expand-
ing to clinical applications (Diaspro, 2002; Masters, 2002; Periasamy
and Diaspro, 2003).
Acknowledgments. The fi rst Italian TPE architecture realized at LAMBS
has been supported by INFM grants. LAMBS-MicroScoBio is currently
funded by IFOM (Istituto FIRC di Oncologia Molecolare, FIRC Institute
of Molecular Oncology, Milano). This chapter is dedicated to the
memory of Osamu Nakamura, who passed away January 23, 2005 at
Handai Hospital.
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