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aberrations of immersion electrostatic lenses corresponds to the high
energy at the entrance side. A more detailed treatment of the estima-
tion of electrostatic lenses is beyond the scope of this section (see, e.g.,
Lencová and Lenc, 1994; Lencová, 1997). Second, the high electron
energy in the column is advantageous because the gun brightness
increases with electron energy [see Eqs. (2.4) and (3.1)] and electromag-
netic stray fi elds result in less deterioration of the electron beam at high
energy. The combined magnetic–electrostatic objective lens (Frosien
et al., 1989) has aberration coeffi cients as low as C
= 3.7 mm and C
1.8 mm. Martin et al. (1994) achieved with this lens a resolution of
2.5 nm at 5 keV, 4.0 nm at 1 keV, and 5.0 nm at 0.5 keV.
Very low landing energies of the electrons can be realized with a
retarding-fi eld SEM. There are several retarding-fi eld confi gurations
described in the literature but basically in all of them the specimen is
connected to the adjustable bias supply U
(e.g., Zworykin et al., 1942;
Paden and Nixon, 1968; Zach and Rose, 1988a,b; Munro et al., 1988;
Müllerova and Lenc, 1992). The landing energy of the beam electrons
simply is given by the difference E
− eU
. Using retarding-fi eld SEM,
landing energies of a few electronvolts are achievable and recently
micrographs with refl ected electrons even at 0.5 eV were obtained
(Müllerova et al., 2001).
With the availability of magnetic materials having high coercive
force permanent rare-earth-metal magnets attract attention as replace-
ments for magnetic lens coils (Adamec et al., 1995). Khursheed (1998)
proposed a portable SEM column design, which makes use of perma-
nent magnets. The column of this miniature SEM amounts to a height
of less than 12 cm and is designed to be modular, so that it can fi t onto
different specimen chamber types, and can also be readily replaced.
Focusing of the electron beam onto the specimen can be achieved by
varying the specimen height or by an outer magnetic slip ring on the
objective lens, which controls the strength of the magnetic fi eld on the
axis. Scanning of the beam is performed by defl ection coils, which are
located above and within the permanent magnet objective lens. A high-
resolution miniature SEM with a total height of less than 5.5 cm, pro-
posed by Khursheed (2000), uses a permanent magnet objective lens
that lies outside the vacuum with spherical and chromatic aberration
coeffi cients (parameters: E
= 1 keV, WD = 7. 5 m m ) of 0.36 and 0.6 mm,
respectively. These aberration coeffi cients are about an order of mag-
nitude smaller than those for conventional SEMs with comparable
working distance conditions.
Miniaturization of the SEM column has advantages such as micro-
lenses with small aberration coeffi cients, reducing the infl uence of
electromagnetic stray fi elds and of the electron–electron interaction,
improving the mechanical stability, and reducing the demands on
space for the microscope. Chang et al. (1990) proposed a miniaturized
electron optical system consisting of a fi eld emission microsource and
an electrostatic microlens for probe forming with performance, exceed-
ing that of a conventional system over a wide range of potentials (0.1–
10 kV) and working distances (up to 10 mm). Liu et al. (1996) proposed
another design that has a column length of only 3.5 mm and can be