Chapter 3 Scanning Electron Microscopy 197
ration consists in making specimens accessible for high vacuum SEM
studies without changing the relevant properties under investigation.
Many inorganic samples with suffi cient electrical conductivity, such
as metals, alloys, or semiconductors, can be imaged directly with little
or no specimen preparation (Figure 3–29). This is one very useful
feature of scanning electron microscopy. In some cases a surface treat-
ment may be required, e.g., to clean the specimen surface with an
appropriate solvent, possibly in an ultrasonic cleaner, and with low-
energy reactive gas plasma for the removal of hydrocarbon contamina-
tion (Isabell et al., 1999). The cleanings are suitable to prepare electrically
conductive specimens for surface imaging in SEM. In case of noncon-
ductive samples, such as ceramics, minerals, or glass, a conductive
coating (e.g., Willison and Rowe, 1980) with a thin metal fi lm (e.g., gold,
platinum, tungsten, chromium) or a mixed conductive fi lm (e.g., gold/
palladium, platinum/carbon, platinum/iridium/carbon) is required
for good-quality imaging. For X-ray microanalysis carbon coating is
preferred because of its minimum effect on the X-ray spectrum. The
coating can be performed by evaporation (e.g., Reimer, 1967; Shibata et
al., 1984; Hermann et al., 1988; Robards and Wilson, 1993), by diode
sputtering (Apkarian and Curtis, 1986), or by planar magnetron sput-
tering (Nagatani and Saito, 1989; Müller et al., 1990). High-quality con-
ductive thin-fi lm coating for high-resolution SEM (see Section 3) can be
performed in an oil-free high vacuum by both evaporation, using e.g.,
tungsten, tantalum/tungsten, platinum/carbon, or platinum/iridium/
carbon, and rotary shadowing methods (Gross et al., 1985; Hermann et
al., 1988; Wepf and Gross, 1990; Wepf et al., 1991) as well as by ion beam
and by penning sputtering with, e.g., chromium, tantalum, and niobium
(Peters, 1980).
For the study of microstructural features (see Section 7) and for
microanalytical investigations (see Section 6) a fl at surface is required,
therefore rough specimen surfaces have to be fl attened by careful
grinding and subsequent polishing according to standard metallo-
graphic methods (Glauert, 1973). To remove mechanical deformations
caused by grinding and mechanical polishing, a fi nal treatment with
electrochemical polishing or ion beam polishing may be necessary. In
case of polycrystalline and heterogeneous material, selective etching
by ion bombardment may be used, which generates a surface profi le
caused by locally different sputtering yields, thus giving rise to topo-
graphic contrast of grains and the individual materials (Hauffe, 1971,
Often, specimens need to be characterized and analyzed both above
and below the surface, e.g., if the subsurface composition of the
material, process diagnosis, failure analysis, in situ testing, or three-
dimensional reconstruction of the spatial microstructure is required.
Flat cross sections through the specimen can be obtained by ultrami-
crotomy (Reid and Beesley, 1991; Sitte, 1984, 1996; the block face can be
used for SEM imaging), ion beam slope cutting (Hauffe, 1990; Hauffe
et al., 2002), an FIB technique (Kirk et al., 1988; Madl et al., 1988; Ishitani
and Yaguchi, 1996; Shibata, 2004; Giannuzi and Stevie, 2005), or by a
combination of an FIB system with a fi eld emission SEM (SEM/FIB),