Chapter 3 Scanning Electron Microscopy 193
very low relative to that of the specimen to measure the true EBIC. For
usual electron probe currents of some nanoamperes the charge collec-
tion currents are in the order of microamperes since for many materials
the mean energy per electron hole pair is between approximately 1 and
13 eV (Holt, 1989). In contrast to EBIC, for the measurement of the true
EBIV an amplifi er with a very high input resistance is necessary.
The resolution obtained in the charge-collecting modes depends on
the size of the excitation volume within the specimen, which readily
can be extracted from Monte Carlo simulation data (see Section 2.2).
For the CC mode, a depth and a lateral resolution have to be defi ned.
The depth-dose function, which represents the energy loss per unit
depth in the electron beam direction, determines the depth resolution.
The lateral-dose function, which represents the energy loss per unit
distance perpendicular to the electron beam direction, determines the
lateral resolution. There are also empirical (Grün, 1957) and semiem-
pirical expressions (Everhart and Hoff, 1971) as well as several analyti-
cal models (Bishop, 1974; Leamy, 1982) for the depth-dose and for the
lateral-dose function as well (Bishop, 1974; Leamy, 1982).
Electron beam chopping and time-resolved EBIC can enhance the
accuracy of measurements in several cases, e.g., for the estimation of
the depth of p–n junction parallel to the surface (Georges et al., 1982)
or allows for quantitative analysis of electrical properties of defects in
semiconductors (Sekiguchi and Sumino, 1995) and interesting applica-
tions for the failure analysis of VLSI circuits (Chan et al., 2000). Crystal Orientation Contrast
As previously mentioned, the backscattering coeffi cient η of a single
crystal varies with the direction of the incident beam electrons related
to the crystallographic orientation (cf. Section 2.2). This effect is caused
by the variation of the atomic density, which the incident electrons
encounter when penetrating into the crystal. In certain crystallographic
directions the beam electrons penetrate more deeply. Those directions
represent “channels” for the incident electrons. Changing the direction
of the incident electrons relative to the crystallographic orientation
causes the so-called crystal orientation or channeling contrast of the
BSE image, which amounts to a maximum of approximately 5%. Crystal
orientation contrast arises if a large single crystal is imaged at very low
magnifi cation using a small electron probe aperture of about 1 mrad.
Scanning at low magnifi cation both moves the electron probe and
changes the angle of incidence across the fi eld, thereby generating an
electron channeling pattern (ECP). At higher magnifi cation the angle
of beam incidence varies just insignifi cantly across the small scanned
fi eld and channeling contrast is obtained in polycrystalline samples
from small grains with different crystal orientations (Figure 3–27). The
information depth of the crystal orientation contrast is in the order of
a few nanometers only (Reimer, 1985) and therefore the contrast is very
sensitive to distortions of the crystal at the surface. The channeling
contrast reaches the maximum at energies between 10 and 20 keV
(Reimer et al., 1971; Drescher et al., 1974).
An orientation anisotropy also occurs for the secondary yield (Reimer
et al., 1971), which gives rise to an SE orientation contrast.