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3.1.4 Specimen Stages
The purpose of the specimen stage in high-resolution scanning elec-
tron microscopes is of course the same as in conventional SEM, i.e., the
stage has to allow for precise backlash-free movement, tilting, and pos-
sibly rotation of the sample during the investigation. As for conven-
tional SEM, there are optionally special specimen stages available that
allow investigations of the specimen at elevated temperature, during
different types of mechanical deformation, at positive or negative bias,
and last at low temperature. Independent on the special type of speci-
men stage, a higher stability in terms of mechanical vibrations as well
as mechanical or thermal drift is required to avoid any deterioration
of the performance of the high-resolution SEM. The “in-lens”-type
SEMs use side-entry specimen holders, which are almost identical to
the ones used in TEMs (cf. Section 2.1.4). However, the limited space
available in this type of SEM places some restrictions on the specimen
stage for the ultimate resolution of “in-lens”-type FESEM.
3.1.5 Contrast Formation and Resolution
At high beam energy, e.g., 30 keV, the lateral extension of the excitation
volume in the specimen is for carbon approximately 10 µm and for a
high atomic number element such as gold about 1 µm (cf. Figure 3–13).
Secondary and backscattered electrons are emitted from a surface area
of the specimen, which corresponds in size to about the lateral exten-
sion of the excitation volume (cf. Figure 3–14). As discussed in Sections
2.2.1 and 2.2.2, the SE2 and BSE2 represent the majority of the SE and
BSE, respectively, whereas the SE1 and BSE1, both carrying high-
resolution information, represent the minority. Assuming for simplic-
ity an electron beam diameter of 1 nm, the ratio of the lateral size of
the excitation volume and the beam diameter amounts to approxi-
mately 10
for carbon and 10
for gold. By choosing the magnifi cation
such that the fi eld of view at the specimen surface approaches the
lateral size of the excitation volume, i.e., related to a 100-mm image size
about 10,000× for carbon and 100,000× for gold, both the SE2 and the
BSE2 contributions will change in response to the features of the fi eld
of view on the size scale of the excitation volume. In contrast to this
the SE1 and BSE1 contributions will change in response to the features
of the fi eld of view approximately on a size scale of the electron beam
diameter. That means that in the course of scanning the electron beam
across the fi eld of view, the SE2/BSE2 contribution only insignifi cantly
varies from pixel to pixel whereas the SE1/BSE1 contribution depends
sensitively on local features as small as the beam diameter. With a
further increase of magnifi cation the fi eld of view becomes signifi -
cantly smaller than the lateral size of the excitation volume, conse-
quently the SE2/BSE2 contribution is almost constant over the image.
The changes in the total SE/BSE signal are almost exclusively due to
the SE1/BSE1 component and correspond to the changes in the very
tiny volume where SE1/BSE1 are generated. Figure 3–38 shows an
example of a high-resolution SE micrograph recorded from a test
sample at a magnifi cation of 500,000×. The distinct changes in image
intensity refl ect the variation of the SE1 component, which is due to