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induced contamination or other thin layers on the surface, which is
caused by the strongly reduced electron range.
Nevertheless, the main types of contrast, such as topographic, com-
positional, voltage, electron channeling, crystal orientation, and type-1
and type-2 magnetic and mass-thickness contrast, are also observed in
LVSEM, alt hough it is in many respects different from that obtained at
conventional energies. There are also several observations that evi-
dently show some “chemical” or “electronic” contrast, i.e., contrast that
does not result from an increase in the mean atomic number of the
specimen (e.g., Wollman et al., 1993; Bleloch et al., 1994; Perovic et al.,
1994). Although these effects may also be visible at conventional ener-
gies they are most readily observed at low energies where the SE yield
is higher.
The thickness contrast described in Section 3.1.5 also plays an impor-
tant role in LVSEM of electric insulators. Though direct imaging of
electrical insulators without electric charge-up should be feasible at
electron energy E
, where incoming and emitted charges are balanced,
in practice it often does not work for various reasons. Therefore, coating
the specimen surface with an ultrathin very fi ne-grain metal fi lm
(Peters, 1982) by Penning sputtering or by evaporation in oil-free high
vacuum is often done. As in high-resolution SEM with con ventional
beam energies, the fi lm plays an important role in contrast formation,
in image resolution obtainable, and in the improvement of the SNR.
The image contrast of coated specimens essentially depends on the
projected fi lm thickness, which will vary between the nominal fi lm
thickness and the maximum fi lm thickness, which is several times
greater than the nominal thickness in tilted regions (cf. Figure 3–39a).
Monte Carlo calculations of the SE yield of a fi lm of chromium at 2 keV
also prove for low electron energy a monotonic increase with fi lm
thickness (Joy, 1987a).
3.2.4 Selected Applications
The application of LVSEM and VLVSEM logically seems likely in cases
in which SEM at conventional acceleration voltages obviously would
fail, e.g., the investigation of uncoated insulating materials and
radiation-sensitive semiconductors. Another compelling reason is the
necessity of a reduced electron range, e.g., with specimens having one
or more very thin surface layers and samples possessing a spongy- or
foam-like fi ne structure. SEM studies of these types of specimens aim
at information restricted to the surface-near zone. With ever decreasing
device dimension and fi lm thickness this issue becomes more and
more crucial. There are also noncompelling, but still for good reasons,
which may aim at optimum imaging conditions at low electron energy,
or LVSEM may be part of a series of increasing or decreasing electron
energies over a wide energy range as used for depth profi ling. Finally,
there are also applications of LVSEM that may also work at conven-
tional energies but are most readily obtained at low energies.
The LVSEM is widely applied to semiconductor structures relating
to an examination of their geometry, critical dimensions, and local