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are refl ected only if they satisfy Bragg’s law. The crystal bending is such
that it focuses X-rays of one specifi c wavelength onto a proportional
counter and rotates to scan the wavelength detected. Some important
features of both types of X-ray spectrometer are listed in Table 3–9.
However, since instrumentation and analysis of data in X-ray micro-
analysis are usually considered a separate discipline, no further details
are discussed in this section [see, e.g., Heinrich (1982), Heinrich and
Newbury (1991), Reimer (1998), Goldstein et al. (1984, 2003), and
Newbury and Bright (2005)].
A selected application of the very powerful combination of SEM
imaging, X-ray micro analysis, and element mapping—the latter was
invented almost exactly 50 years ago by Cosslett and Duncumb (1956)—
is illustrated in Figure 3–66. The selected specimen is a Cr–Fe alloy
with an Si phase, which has a locally varying composition as clearly
indicated by the energy-dispersive spectra in Figure 3–66a and b
recorded at different locations (Figure 3–66c).
The area under each characteristic peak represents the amount of
X-ray counts, which is—after subtraction of the unspecifi c background
below the peak and ZAF correction—a direct quantitative measure of
the number of atoms of the specifi c element belonging to that peak.
However, a simple visual inspection of the spectra shows, e.g., that the
location “Punkt1” (see Figure 3–66a) contains signifi cantly more chro-
mium and less iron than location “Punkt2” (see the spectrum in Figure
3–66b). In addition, a strong silicon peak emerges in the spectrum of
location “Punkt2” not present in the spectrum of “Punkt1” (see the
spectrum in Figure 3–66a). The element distribution maps of four
important chemical elements in the specimen, namely iron, chromium,
silicon, and titanium, are shown in Figure 3–66d–g. Comparing the
information given by the four element distribution maps on the one
hand and the two spectra on the other hand immediately makes clear
why the titanium peak does not emerge in the spectra and the chro-
means of simple image processing procedures the SE micrograph
(Figure 3–66c) and the element distribution maps (Figure 3–66d–g) can
be superimposed in one image (Figure 3–66h) presenting information
for fi ve individual images.
The most powerful tool in electron beam microanalysis is the ability
to depict the elemental compositional heterogeneity of matter with
micrometer to nanometer lateral resolution. Many developments have
occurred since the intervening years to advance this critical method.
We are now on the leading edge of extraordinary new X-ray mapping
performance: the emergence of the silicon drift detector (SDD) that
permits recording of X-ray spectrum images (XSI) in an energy-disper-
sive operating mode with output count rates of 600 kHz and even
higher (cf. Table 3–9). Further, computer-controlled SEM in connection
with image processing and EDX spectrometry enables the unattended
and automated determination of both the geometric parameters and
the chemical composition of thousands of individual particles down to
a size of 50–100 nm (see, e.g., Poelt et al., 2002). Consequently, correla-
tions between particle size, chemical composition, the number of
mium peak is dominant at location “Punkt1” but not at “Punkt2”. By