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tered beam electrons and the scattered “skirt” electrons was directly
imaged by exposure to the electron beam for a specifi ed time (Wight and
Zeissler, 2000). Related to the electron beam intensity within 25 µm, the
“skirt” intensity as a function of the distance from the center drops to
15% at 100 µm, 5% at 200 µm, and 1% at 500 µm (conditions: E
= 20 keV,
water vapor pressure = 266 Pa, l = 10 mm) (Wight and Zeissler, 2000). The
signals generated by the electrons of the skirt originate from a large area,
which contributes to the background, whereas the unscattered beam
remains focused to a small spot on the specimen surface, although its
intensity is reduced by the fraction of electrons removed by scattering.
The resolution obtainable depends on the beam diameter and the size of
the interaction volume in the specimen, which is analogous to the situa-
tion in conventional and high-resolution SEM, i.e., the resolving power
of ESEM can be maintained in the presence of gas.
The detection of BSE, CL, and X-rays is to a great extent analogous to
the detection in a conventional SEM, because these signals can pene-
trate the gas suffi ciently (Danilatos, 1985, 1986). However, the situation
is completely different for the detection of SE. The conventional Ever-
hart–Thornley detector would break down at elevated pressure in the
specimen chamber. However, the gas itself can be used as an amplifi er
in a fashion similar to that used in ionization chambers and gas propor-
tional counters. An attractive positive voltage on a detector will make
all the secondary electrons drift toward it. If the attractive fi eld is suffi -
ciently large, each drifting electron will be accelerated, thus gaining
enough energy to cause ionization of gas molecules, which can create
more than one electron. This process repeating itself results in a signifi -
cant avalanche amplifi cation of the secondary electron current, which
arrives at the central electrode of the environmental secondary electron
detector (ESD) (Danilatos, 1988). The avalanche amplifi cation works
best only in a limited pressure range and can amplify the SE signal up
to three orders of magnitude (Thiel et al., 1997). Too high pressure in the
specimen chamber makes the mean free path of the electrons very
small and a high electric fi eld between specimen and detector is required
to accelerate them suffi ciently. Too low pressure in the chamber results
in a large mean free electron path, i.e., only a few ionization events take
place along the electron path from the specimen to the detector, thus the
avalanche amplifi cation factor is low. The new generation of ESD, the
gaseous secondary electron detector (GSED), which consists of a 3-mm-
diameter metallic ring placed above the specimen, provides better dis-
crimination against parasitic electron signals. Both the ESD and GSED
are patented and are available only in the ESEM.
However, the ionization of gas molecules creates not only electrons
but also ions and gaseous scintillation. The latter can be used to make
images (Danilatos, 1986), i.e., in that case the imaging gas acts as a
detector. This principle is used in the patented variable pressure sec-
ondary electron (VPSE) detector. Nonconductive samples attract posi-
tive gas ions to their surface as negative charge accumulates from the
electron beam, thus effectively suppressing or at least strongly reduc-
ing charging artifacts (Cazaux, 2004; Ji et al., 2005; Tang and Joy, 2003;
Thiel et al., 2004; Robertson et al., 2004). The gas ions can affect or even
reverse the contrast in the GSED image under specifi c conditions, e.g.,