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The stage allows X, Y, Z movements, rotation around 360°, and tilting
(the tilting range depends on the type of the stage, e.g., −15° to +75°)
of the specimen. The movements, rotation, and tilt are usually motor-
ized in modern scanning electron microscopes. The specimen stage is
eucentric if the observation point does not vary during tilting and rota-
tion, however, some stages have this property only for tilting (semieu-
centric specimen stage) or do not have it (goniometric specimen stage).
If the specimen stage is eucentric or semieucentric, the WD and there-
fore the magnifi cation do not change during X, Y movement or move-
ment along the tilt axis, respectively. Usually, the specimen is at ground
potential (0 V), however, the wiring allows also the recording of the
specimen current or absorbed current. It is obvious that the higher
the electron optical performance of the SEM the better the quality of
the specimen stage in terms of mechanical and thermal stability.
The manufacturers of SEMs as well as small companies supplying
special attachments offer optionally specimen stages for specifi c inves-
tigations. For example, there are commercial hot stages available for in
situ surface investigations at elevated temperatures. Depending on the
type of heating device, it is possible to reach specimen temperatures
up to about 1370 K with a maximum heating rate of about 200 K/min.
A hot specimen stage in an environmental scanning electron micro-
scope (see Section 4) is, among other things, very useful in studying
the surface modifi cations caused by chemical reactions due to the
exposure of samples to gases. For specifi c in situ heating experiments,
e.g., local heating with rapid thermal loads, irradiation heating by a
high-power laser coupled to an SEM can be used (see, e.g., Menzel
et al., 1992; Wetzig and Schulze, 1995).
Mainly for investigations of organic materials and, in particular, of
biological specimens, cold stages are of great interest for low tempera-
ture studies. At low temperature the electron beam damage of the
sample due to electron–specimen interaction is smaller than at room
temperature (see, e.g., Craven et al., 1978; Isaacson, 1977, 1979a; Reimer
and Schmidt, 1985; Egerton et al., 2004) and specimens can be investi-
gated in the frozen-hydrated stage (see, e.g., Bastachy et al., 1988; Read
and Jeffree, 1990; Walther et al., 1990). However, cold stages are also of
signifi cant interest for materials science to investigate the low tempera-
ture behavior of materials such as changes in mechanical properties or
variations in electrical conductivity. In most cases liquid nitrogen or
liquid helium is used as the cooling medium. In particular the tempera-
ture range around 4 K and below down to about 1.5 K allows for the
investigation of typical low temperature phenomena such as supercon-
ductivity and low temperature devices used in cryoelectronics. Fur-
thermore, experiments can be performed in which the temperature
range of liquid He is required by the measuring principle, e.g., the bal-
listic phonon signal represents an example. Here the small specimen
volume locally heated by the electron beam acts as a source of phonons,
which propagate ballistically (i.e., without scattering) to the opposite
side of the crystal where the photon detector is located. Both, the speci-
men and the detector have to be kept in the temperature range of liquid
He. The SEM at very low temperatures was reviewed by Huebener