Chapter 3 Scanning Electron Microscopy 153
additional detectors to be installed. Because of limited space not all of
the installed detectors may be used simultaneously, however, there are
retractable detectors (e.g., BSE detectors) available, which can be kept
in the retracted position when not needed (providing space for another
detector or allowing for a shorter WD) and can readily be moved into
working position if required for signal recording. Numerous multide-
tector systems have been proposed for BSE and SE (for review see
Reimer, 1984a, 1985). In the top position, e.g., two semiannular semi-
conductor detectors (Kimoto et al., 1966; Hejna and Reimer, 1987) allow
for separation of topographic and material contrast; with a four-
quadrant semiconductor detector (Lebiedzik, 1979; Kaczmarek, 1997;
Kaczmarek and Domaradzki, 2002) the surface profi le can be recon-
structed and the distinction between elements with different atomic
numbers is improved. Even a six-segment semiconductor detector is of
interest (Müllerová et al., 1989).
A combination of two opposite ET detectors, A and B, allows two SE
signals, S
and S
, to be recorded simultaneously. The difference signal
− S
illustrates the topographic contrast whereas the sum S
+ S
signal illustrates the material contrast (Volbert and Reimer, 1980;
Volbert, 1982). The mixing of the analog electronic signals at that time
was performed by electronic circuitry. After analog signal mixing the
two original signals were lost. Today, modern SEMs usually record
digital images, which are stored in a PC. Thus the mixing of images
(their raw data are stored in a memory) can be performed readily after
image recording by means of image processing software available from
numerous software companies.
For high-resolution and LVSEM the work distance should be as short
as possible (say below 5 mm) because both the focal length and the
aberrations of the objective lens increase with the WD (see also Sec-
tions 2.1.2 and 3). In contrast to the asymmetric objective lens (large
focal length) where the region above the specimen is a magnetic fi eld
free space, the specimen is immersed in the fi eld of the objective lens
with a short focal length. In this case the specimen is very close to the
lower objective pole piece or is placed directly inside the pole-piece gap
[as in a transmission electron microscope (TEM); see Chapters 1, 2, 6,
and 7]. For the latter lens type—the specimen has an “in-lens” position
and is limited in size to a few millimeter only—the collection of SE
takes advantage of the fact that they can spiral upward in the magnetic
fi eld of the objective lens due to their axial velocity component. The SE
have to be defl ected off the axis to be recorded by an ET detector
located laterally above the lens (cf. Figure 3–6).
The separation of the downward moving beam electrons and the
upward moving secondary electrons can be done most effi ciently by
an E × B system, which employs crossed electric and magnetic fi elds.
The forces of these fi elds compensate each other for the beam electrons,
but add for the opposite moving secondary electrons. This magnetic
“through-the-lens” detection (for review see Kruit, 1991) of SE has
several advantages: (1) SE are separated from BSE, which do not reach
the detector because their higher kinetic energy causes different tra-
jectories; (2) very high collection effi ciency for real SE emerging from
the specimen and a suppression of SE created on the walls of the