rected STEM is very important for fast elemental mapping or even
mapping of subtle changes in fi ne structure using spectrum imaging
(Nellist et al., 2003) (see Section 6).
So far, the impact of spherical aberration correction on resolution has
probably been greater in STEM than in CTEM. Part of the reason lies
in the robustness of STEM incoherent imaging to C
. Correction of C
is more diffi cult than for C
, and at the time of writing a commercial
corrector for high-resolution TEM instruments is not available. We
saw in Section 10.2 that compared to HRTEM, the resolution of STEM
incoherent imaging is not severely limited by C
. Furthermore, the
dedicated STEM instruments that have given the highest resolutions
have all used cold fi eld emission guns with a low intrinsic energy
spread. A second reason for the superior C
-corrected performance of
STEM instruments lies in the fact that they are scanning instruments.
In a STEM, the scan coils are usually placed close to the objective lens
and certainly there are no optical elements between the scan coils and
the objective lens. This means that in most of the electron optics, in
particular the corrector, the beam is fi xed and its position does not
depend on the position of the probe in the image, unlike the case for
CTEM. In STEM therefore, only the so-called axial aberrations need to
be measured and corrected, a much reduced number compared to
CTEM for which off-axial aberrations must also be monitored.
Commercially available C
correctors are currently available from
Nion Co. in the United States and CEOS GmbH in Germany. The exist-
ing Nion corrector is a quadrupole–octupole design, and is retrofi tted
into existing VG Microscopes dedicated STEM instruments. Because
the fi eld strength in an octupole varies as the cube of the radial distance,
it is clear that an octupole should provide a third-order defl ection to
the beam. However, the four-fold rotational symmetry of the octupole
means that a single octupole acting on a round beam will simply intro-
duce third-order four-fold astigmatism. A series of four quadrupoles is
therefore used to focus line crossovers in two octupoles, while allowing
a round beam to be acted on by the third (central) octupole (see fi gures
in Krivanek et al., 1999). The line crossovers in the outer two octupoles
give rise to third-order correction in two perpendicular directions,
which provides the necessary negative spherical aberration, but also
leaves some residual four-fold astigmatism that is corrected by the third
central round-beam octupole. This design is loosely based on Scherzer’s
original design that used cylindrical lenses (Scherzer, 1947). Although
this design corrects the third-order C
, it actually worsens the fi fth-
order aberrations. Nonetheless, it has been extremely successful and
productive scientifi cally. A more recent corrector design from Nion
(Krivanek et al., 2003) allows correction of the fi fth-order aberrations
also. Again it is based on third-order correction by three octupoles, but
with a greater number of quadrupole layers, which can provide control
of the fi fth-order aberrations. This more complicated corrector is being
incorporated into an entirely new STEM column designed to optimize
performance with aberration correction.
An alternative corrector design that is suitable for both HRTEM and
STEM use has been developed by CEOS (Haider et al., 1998a). It is
based on a design by Shao (1988) and further developed by Rose (1990).
Peter D. Nellist