Chapter 2 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy 99
spectrum. A scintillator–photomultiplier combination allows detection
of the intensity of the selected part of the spectrum. Using this arrange-
ment, a spectrum can be recorded by varying the strength of the mag-
netic fi eld, thus sweeping the spectrum over the slit and recording the
spectrum serially. Alternatively, the magnetic fi eld can be held con-
stant, selecting just a single energy window, and the probe scanned to
form an energy-fi ltered image.
If there is no slit, or the slit is maximally widened, the spectrum may
be recorded in parallel, a technique known as parallel EELS (PEELS).
The dispersion plane then needs to be magnifi ed in order that the
detector channels allow suitable sampling of the spectrum. This is
normally achieved by a series of quadrupoles (normally four) that
allows both the dispersion and the width of the spectrum to be con-
trolled at the detector. Detection is usually performed either by a paral-
lel photodiode array, or more commonly now using a scintillator–CCD
Like all electron-optical elements, magnetic prisms suffer from aber-
rations, and these aberrations can limit the energy resolution of the
spectrometer. In general, a prism is designed such that the second-
order aberrations are corrected for a given object distance before the
prism. Prisms are often labeled with their nominal object distances,
which is typically around 70 cm. Small adjustments can be made using
sextupoles near the prism and by adjusting the mechanical tilt of the
prism. It is important, though, that care is taken to arrange that the
sample plane is optically coupled to the prism at the correct working
distance to ensure correction of the second-order spectrometer aberra-
tions. More recently, spectrometers with higher order correction (Brink
et al., 2003) have been developed. Alternatively, it has been shown to
be possible to correct spectrometer aberrations with a specially
designed coupling module that can be fi tted immediately prior to the
spectrometer (see Section 8.1).
Aberrations worsen the ability of the prism to focus the spectrum as
the width of the beam entering the prism increases. Collector apertures
are therefore used at the entrance of the prism to limit the beam width,
but they also limit the number of electrons entering the prism and
therefore the effi ciency of the spectrum detection. The trade-off
between signal strength and energy resolution can be adjusted to the
particular experiment being performed by changing the collector aper-
ture size. Aperture sizes in the range of 0.5–5 mm are typically
6.2 Inelastic Scattering of Electrons
The different types of inelastic scattering event that can lead to an EELS
signal have been discussed many times in the literature (for example,
Egerton, 1996; Brydson, 2001; Botton, this volume), so we will restrict
ourselves to a brief description here. A schematic diagram of a typical
EEL spectrum is shown in Figure 2–17.
The samples typically used for high-resolution STEM are usually
thinner than the mean free path for inelastic scattering (around 100 nm