Chapter 2 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy 83
errors, in which compositional changes are obvious in the contrast, and
atomic resolution images that are much easier to interpret in terms of
atomic structure than their high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) counter-
parts. Indeed, the ability of a STEM to perform ADF imaging is one of
the major strengths of STEM and is partly responsible for the growth
of interest in STEM over the past two decades.
The ADF detector is an annulus of scintillator material coupled to a
photomultiplier tube in a way similar to the BF detector. It therefore
measures the total electron signal scattered in angle between an inner
and an outer radius. These radii can both vary over a large range, but
typically the inner radius would be in the range of 30–100 mrad and
the outer radius 100–200 mrad. Often the center of the detector is a hole,
and electrons below the inner radius can pass through the detector for
use either to form a BF image, or more commonly to be energy ana-
lyzed to form an electron energy-loss spectrum. By combining more
than one mode in this way, the STEM makes highly effi cient use of the
transmitted electrons.
Annular dark-fi eld imaging was introduced in the fi rst STEMs built
in Crewe’s laboratory (Crewe, 1980). Initially their idea was that the
high angle elastic scattering from an atom would be proportional to
the product of the number of atoms illuminated and Z
, where Z is
the atomic number of the atoms, and this scattering would be detected
using the ADF detector. Using an energy analyzer on the lower-angle
scattering they could also separate the inelastic scattering, which was
expected to vary as the product of the number of atoms and Z
. By
forming the ratio of the two signals, it was hoped that changes in speci-
men thickness would cancel, leaving a signal purely dependent on
composition, and given the name Z contrast. Such an approach ignores
diffraction effects within the sample, which we will see later is crucial
for quantitative analysis. Nonetheless, the high-angle elastic scattering
incident on an ADF detector is highly sensitive to atomic number. As
the scattering angle increases, the scattered intensity from an atom
approaches the Z
dependence that would be expected for Rutherford
scattering from an unscreened Coulomb potential. In practice this limit
is not reached, and the Z exponent falls to values typically around 1.7
(see, for example, Hartel et al., 1996) due to the screening effect of the
atom core electrons. This sensitivity to atomic number results in images
in which composition changes are more strongly visible in the image
contrast than would be the case for high-resolution phase-contrast
imaging. It is for this reason that using the fi rst STEM operating at
30 kV (Crewe et al., 1970), it was possible to image single atoms of Th
on a carbon support.
Once STEM instruments became commercially available in the 1970s,
attention turned to using ADF imaging to study heterogeneous catalyst
materials (Treacy et al., 1978). Often a heterogeneous catalyst consists
of highly dispersed precious metal clusters distributed on a lighter
inorganic support such as alumina, silica, or graphite. A system con-
sisting of light and heavy atomic species such as this is an ideal subject
for study using ADF STEM. Attempts were made to quantify the
number of atoms in the metal clusters using ADF intensities. Howie