Chapter 2 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy 111
SAD, an image can be formed with the SAD selecting a region of inter-
est in the sample. The condenser lenses are then adjusted to place a
crossover at the front focal plane of the OL, and the scan coils are set
to scan the crossover over the front focal plane. The OL then generates
a parallel pencil beam that is rocked in angle at the sample plane. In
the detector plane is therefore seen a conventional diffraction pattern
that is swept across the detector by the scan. By using a small BF detec-
tor, a scanned diffraction pattern will be formed. If a Ronchigram
camera is available in the detector plane, then the diffraction pattern
can be viewed directly and scanning is unnecessary. In practice, SAD
mode in a STEM is more commonly used for measuring the angular
range of BF and ADF detectors rather than diffraction studies of
samples. It is also often used for tilting a crystalline sample to a zone
axis if a Ronchigram camera is not available.
To avoid having to mutually align the two condenser lenses, many
users employ only one condenser at a time. Both are set to focus a
crossover at the SAD aperture plane, but the different distance between
the lenses and the SAD plane means that the overall demagnifi cation
of the source will differ. Often the two discrete probe current settings
then available are suitable for the majority of experiments. Alterna-
tively, many users, especially those with a Ronchigram camera, need
an SAD mode very infrequently. In this case, there is no requirement
for a crossover in the SAD plane, and one condenser lens can be
adjusted freely.
In more modern STEM instruments, a further gun lens is provided
in the gun acceleration area. The purpose of this lens is to focus a
crossover in the vicinity of the differential pumping aperture that is
necessary between the ultrahigh vacuum gun region and the rest of
the column. The result is that a higher total current is available for very
high current modes. For lower current, higher resolution modes, a gun
lens is not found to be necessary.
Let us now turn our attention to the objective lens and the postspeci-
men optics. The main purpose of the OL is to focus the beam to form
a small spot. Just like a conventional TEM, the OL of a STEM is designed
to minimize the spherical and chromatic aberration, while leaving a
large enough gap for sample rotation and providing a suffi cient solid
angle for X-ray detection.
An important parameter in STEM is the postsample compression.
The fi eld of the objective lens that acts on the electrons after they exit
the sample also has a focusing effect on the electrons. The result is that
the scattering angles are compressed and the virtual crossover position
moves down. Most of the VG dedicated STEM instruments have top-
entry OLs, which are consequently asymmetric in shape. The bore on
the probe forming (lower) side of the OL is smaller then on the upper
side, and therefore the fi eld is more concentrated on the lower side. The
typical postsample compression for these asymmetric lenses, typically
a factor of around 3, is comparatively low. The entrance to the EELS
spectrometer will often be up to 60 cm or more after the sample, to allow
room for defl ection coils and other detectors. A 2-mm-diameter EELS
entrance aperture then subtends a geometric entrance semiangle of