Chapter 2 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy 91
herent with respect to the scattering between different atoms. The dem-
onstration of transverse incoherence through the detector geometry and
the Van Cittert–Zernicke theorem is therefore ignored by this approach.
For lower inner radii, or increased convergence angle (arising from aber-
ration correction, for example) a greater amount of coherent scatter is
likely to reach the detector, and the destruction of coherence through the
detector geometry will be important for the coherent scatter. As yet, a
unifying picture has yet to emerge, and the literature is somewhat con-
fusing. Here we will present the most important approaches currently
Initially let us neglect the phonon scattering. By assuming a com-
pletely stationary lattice with no absorption, Nellist and Pennycook
(1999) were able to use Bloch waves to extend the approach taken in
Section 5.1 to include dynamical scattering. It could be seen that the
narrow detector coherence function acted to fi lter the states that could
contribute to the image so that the highly bound 1s-type states domi-
nated. Because these states are highly nondispersive, spreading of the
probe wavefunction into neighboring column 1s states is unlikely
(Rafferty et al., 2001), although spreading into less bound states on
neighboring columns is possible. Although this analysis is useful in
understanding how an incoherent image can arise under dynamical
scattering conditions, its neglect of absorption and phonon scattering
effects means that it is not effective as a quantitative method of simulat-
ing ADF images.
Early analyses of ADF imaging took the approach that at high enough
scattering angles, the TDS arising from phonons would dominate the
image contrast. In the Einstein approximation, this scattering is com-
pletely uncorrelated between atoms, and therefore there could be no
coherent interference effects between the scattering from different
atoms. In this approach the intensity of the wavefunction at each site
needs to be computed using a dynamical elastic scattering model and
then the TDS from each atom summed (Pennycook and Jesson, 1990).
When the probe is located over an atomic column in the crystal, the
most bound, least dispersive states (usually 1s- or 2s-like) are predomi-
nantly excited and the electron intensity “channels” down the column.
When the probe is not located over a column, it excites more dispersive,
less bound states and spreads leading to reduced intensity at the atom
sites and a lower ADF signal. Both the Bloch wave (for example,
Pennycook, 1989; Amali and Rez, 1997; Mitsuishi et al., 2001; Findlay
et al., 2003b) and multislice (for example, Dinges et al., 1995; Allen
et al., 2003) methods have been used for simulating the TDS scattering
to the ADF detector. Typically, a dynamic calculation using the stan-
dard phenomenological approach to absorption is used to compute the
electron wavefunction in the crystal. The absorption is incorporated
through an absorptive complex potential that can be included in the
calculation simultaneously with the real potential. This method makes
the approximation that the absorption at a given point in the crystal is
proportional to the product of the absorptive potential and the inten-
sity of the electron wavefunction at that point. Of course, much of the
absorption is TDS, which is likely to be detected by the ADF detector.