Chapter 3 Scanning Electron Microscopy 135
having a partial pressure in the low vacuum range mentioned. Typical
examples are water or oil containing natural specimens. Moreover,
electric insulators can be imaged without prior conductive coating by
ESEM in low vacuum without signifi cant electric charging artifacts.
The ESEM (ESEM is used as a trade name by the manufacturers
Electroscan/Philips/FEI) became commercially available in 1987 (for
reviews of specifi c aspects of the instrumentation, image formation,
and application of ESEM see, e.g., Danilatos, 1988, 1990). Since about
the second half of the 1990s other manufacturers also offer commercial
SEMs for low vacuum operation, usually referred to as low vacuum
SEM, variable pressure SEM, natural SEM, etc.; however, these instru-
ments are restricted typically to a maximum pressure of about 300 Pa
and allow imaging only with backscattered electrons (BSE).
Modern high-resolution FESEMs have at an electron energy of 30 keV
a specifi ed resolution power in the SE mode in the range of 0.5–1 nm,
which corresponds to about the size of a small molecule. It marks the
smallest size of a structure accessible on one hand. Working at the
smallest magnifi cation of an SEM on the other hand allows imaging of
visible structures as large as about 1 mm, i.e., high-resolution SEMs
cover a wide range of six orders of magnitude for the structural char-
acterization of surfaces. A further advantage of the SEM is the simul-
taneous acquisition of different signals generated by the local interaction
of the beam electrons with the specimen. Each of these signals, e.g., SE
and BSE, carries different information about the sample, thus an exten-
sive multidimensional data set about an area of interest can be obtained
by one scan line-by-line across this area. The recording time may vary
from a few seconds only to about 1 min depending on the strength of
the signal and the signal-to-noise ratio required.
The scanning electron microscopy is now a well-established method
for the characterization of surfaces in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV), high
vacuum (HV), and low vacuum (LV) in many different fi elds. Clearly,
it is not possible to mention all of them, however, the main fi elds are
certainly the materials (metals, alloys, ceramics, glasses) and surface
sciences, semiconductor research and industry, life sciences, and mis-
cellaneous sciences such as polymer and food research, mineralogy,
geology, the oil industry, and archaeology.
In addition to scanning electron microscopy some other surface-
sensitive methods such as atomic force microscopy, scanning tunnel-
ing microscopy, and photoelectron microscopy are described in the
book “Science of Microscopy.” It is certainly of particular interest to
see in detail how these surface-sensitive methods complement each
other, what specifi c advantages they offer, and how they compare with
1.1 Abbreviations
ADC Analog-to-digital-converter
AE Auger electrons
AES Auger electron spectroscopy