172 R. Reichelt
indicates that the specimen surface conditions and the quality of the
vacuum can signifi cantly affect the secondary yield (cf. “Data Base on
Elector-Solid Interactions” by Joy, 2001).
Secondary electrons generated by the incident beam electrons are
designated SE1 (Drescher et al., 1970). The SE1 carry local information
about the small cylindrical volume that is given approximately by the
cross section of the beam (π/4)d
and the escape depth t
. For a beam
diameter about ≤1 nm the SE1 deliver high-resolution information.
Those beam electrons, which are multiply scattered and emerge from
the specimen as BSE, also generate secondary electrons within the
escape depth. These secondary electrons are designated SE2 (Drescher
et al., 1970). Their origin is far from the point of incidence of the beam
caused by the spatial distribution of BSE. Changes of the amount of
SE2 correlate with corresponding changes of BSE, thus SE2 carry infor-
mation about the volume from which the BSE originate. The size of the
volume depends on the electron range R and is much larger than the
excitation volume of the SE1 for electron energies E
> 1 keV (cf. Figure
3–14 and Table 3–3); thus SE2 deliver low-resolution information. The
SE yield δ consists of the contributions of SE1 and SE2 given as
δ = δ
+ ηδ
where η is the BSE coeffi cient and δ
the SE2 yield, i.e., the number
of SE2 generated per BSE. For E
< E
< 5 kV the ratio δ
to about 4 and for E
≥ 10 kV about 2 (Seiler, 1967). For an increasing
angle of incidence θ, this ratio decreases (Seiler, 1968).
The SE yield increases with increasing angle of incidence θ according
δ(θ) = δ
/cos θ; δ
= δ(θ = 0) (2.31)
(Figure 3–18). This relation is valid for a specimen with a mean atomic
number, for E
≥ 5 keV, and θ up to a few degrees below 90°. The
increase of δ with θ is greater for specimens with a low atomic number
For crystalline objects, the increase of δ with θ is superimposed by
electron channeling and crystalline orientation contrast (see Section
2.3). The distinct dependence of the SE yield on θ provides the basis
for the topographic contrast in secondary electron micrographs.
2.2.2 Backscattered Electrons
The majority of BSE is due to multiple scattering of the beam electrons
within the specimen (Figure 3–14). The energy spectrum of the back-
scattered electrons is shown schematically in Figure 3–12. By defi nition
the energy of BSE is in the range 50 eV < E
≤ E
. The BSE spectrum
has a small peak consisting of elastically scattered electrons at E
peak is not visible in Figure 3–12). Toward energies lower than E
is a broad peak, which covers the range down to about 0.7E
for high
atomic numbers and further down to about 0.4E
for low atomic
numbers. The majority of BSE are within this broad peak. For high
atomic number elements such as gold, the maximum of the distinct
peak is at about 0.9E
, whereas for low atomic numbers, e.g., carbon,
the maximum of the less distinct peak is located at about (0.5–0.6)E
and smaller for samples with high Z (Reimer and Pfefferkorn, 1977).