electron scattering and imaging at high resolution suffer from limita-
tions and in general, computationally tractable N-beam dynamic cal-
culations are essential to this process.
For this purpose, the multislice method is most commonly used to
compute the electron wave at the exit-plane of a specimen with known
atomic structure. This approach was fi rst suggested by Cowley and
Moodie (1957) and has found extensive use in HRTEM simulation
(Goodman and Moodie, 1974). In particular, the availability of effi cient
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms and the general increase in
readily available computing power have made earlier constraints on its
accuracy due to limitations in the number of slices or the number of
diffracted beams immaterial.
An alternative to the multislice method is the Bloch wave approach,
fi rst introduced by Bethe (1928) and described in detail, for instance,
in Buseck et al. (1989). By analogy with the Bloch theorem in solid-state
physics, the solution of the Schrödinger equation in a periodic crystal
potential is written as a product of a plane wave and a function that
has the same periodicity as the crystal. The latter function is then
expanded into its Fourier components from which the Schrödinger
equation reduces to a matrix equation in these Fourier coeffi cients. For
simple crystals, relatively accurate solutions can be obtained using only
a few of these Bloch waves, with the minimal case requiring only two
(the two beam approximation). This approach has the advantage of
providing valuable insight into the working of dynamic electron dif-
fraction and explains phenomena such as thickness fringes. However,
for complex crystals with large unit cells, the method becomes imprac-
tical, as a large number of beams has to be used in the calculation and
the computation time for the matrix solution scales with N
, where N
is the number of beams included. For this reason it has only rarely been
applied to calculations of HRTEM images.
Finally we note that for the majority of cases matching of experimental
and simulated images is carried out purely visually with limited attempts
to defi ne quantitative fi gures of merit (FOM) describing the differences
between experimental and simulated images (or restored exit wavefunc-
tions). In part this is due to the large number of parameters involved in
HRTEM simulations (including atomic coordinates and those describ-
ing imaging conditions) giving rise to a large multiparameter optimiza-
tion problem with many local minima. However, a number of possible
FOMs have been reported (Mobus et al., 1998; Tang et al., 1993, 1994;
Saxton, 1997) based on comparisons in both image and Fourier space.
5.1 The Multislice Formalism
The formal basis of the multislice method (for an extensive treatment
see Kirkland, 1998) is the division of the specimen into a number of
thin slices perpendicular to the direction of the incident beam. The
effects of the specimen potential (transmission, in real space) and of
Fresnel diffraction (propagation, in Fourier space) are than treated
separately for each slice (Figure 1–21). It is a requirement that the indi-
vidual slices used in the simulation must be thin enough to be weak
A.I. Kirkland et al.