Chapter 1 Atomic Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy 31
The detailed physics of fi eld emission and the design of fi eld emis-
sion guns for HRTEM are beyond the scope of this section and the
article by Crewe (1971) and the chapter in Reimer (1997) provide
detailed reviews. These sources are now relatively common in HRTEM
instruments and consist of either a heated or, more rarely, an unheated
single crystal of tungsten in a 〈111〉 or 〈311〉 orientation. In operation
the tip of the source is held in a region of high electrostatic fi eld
enabling electrons to tunnel through the lowered potential energy
barrier at the surface. In many HRTEM instruments the alternative
Schottky emitter comprising a ZrO-coated W tip (Tuggle and Swanson,
1985; Swanson and Schwind in Orloff, 1997), in which the workfunc-
tion is lowered to 2.8 eV (from 4.6 eV), is often used allowing electrons
to overcome the potential barrier at a lower temperature than for con-
ventional thermionic sources leading to a reduced energy spread. True
fi eld emission sources operating at room temperature have been less
widely employed due to the need for stringent ultrahigh vacuum
(UHV) conditions at the tip region to avoid contamination (Von
Harrach, 1995). However, these sources provide the highest brightness
and lowest energy spread.
The above physical requirements of the source with respect to bright-
ness and energy spread affect HRTEM images via image recording
times and the resolution limit imposed by temporal coherence.
The detail in an HRTEM image is also strongly affected by the spatial
coherence of the electrons emitted from the source and certain physical
parameters contribute to this. A theoretical treatment of coherence and
its infl uence on HRTEM images has been given in a previous section
and we therefore confi ne discussion here to the relevant physical char-
acteristics of the source itself.
As already described an effective source can be defi ned as an imagi-
nary electron emitter fi lling the illuminating aperture (Hopkins, 1951,
1953). In this case each point within the aperture represents a point
source of electrons giving an emergent spherical wave, becoming
approximately plane at the specimen. Thus, at the specimen plane each
electron can be specifi ed by the direction of an incident plane wave.
Hence increasing the size of the illuminating aperture increases the
size of the central diffraction spot and decreases the spatial coherence.
This can also be described as a coherence width, which defi nes the
transverse distance at the object plane over which the illuminating
radiation may be treated coherently. Thus waves scattered from atoms
separated by less than this distance will interfere coherently and their
complex amplitudes must be added, whereas atoms separated by more
than this distance scatter incoherently and the intensities of the scat-
tered radiation are added. For sources to fulfi ll the commonly held
assumption that the illuminating source can be replaced by an incoher-
ently fi lled aperture (see earlier) the coherence width in the plane of
this aperture must therefore be small compared to its size, thus making
the degree of coherence dependent only on the size of the illuminating
aperture. The effect of source size on coherence hence becomes
important only for sources smaller than ca. 1 µm, e.g., the smallest LaB