Chapter 1 Atomic Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy 21
Koster et al., 1987, 1989; Koster, 1989; Koster and de Ruijter, 1992; Saxton,
1995), however, have their own particular experimental advantages
and disadvantages.
A practical diffi culty with the application of tilt-induced displace-
ments arises from the measurement of the image shifts using the peak
position in the cross-correlation function defi ned as
FT c c
The tilt-induced change in A
introduces a linear phase variation in
the cross spectrum c*
, which leads to a displacement of the XCF peak
to a position given by the shift vector between the images. As already
shown, the other imaging parameters also change as the beam is tilted
and this causes the phase variation to become nonlinear at higher
spatial frequencies and leads to distorted cross-correlation peaks.
However, when the imaging conditions in both images are approxi-
mately known, these nonlinear phase shifts can be compensated and
a sharp XCF peak can be recovered (Saxton, 1994; Kirkland et al., 1995).
Shift measurements also fail for clean perfectly periodic specimens in
which image positions differing by any integer multiple of a lattice
vector cannot be distinguished. A more severe problem associated
with the tilt-induced shift method is that any displacement due to
specimen drift is indistinguishable from the tilt-induced displacement
required and hence this approach is most frequently used at low reso-
lution or for initial coarse alignment at high resolution.
Conversely, diffractogram measurements require the presence of an
area of thin disordered material and are thus less generally applicable.
However, they are insensitive to specimen drift and their measurement
is relatively straightforward even under tilted illumination conditions.
Hence defocus and astigmatism measurements are best suited to fi ne
adjustment at high resolution (Pan, 1998).
Historically the use of diffractograms for the determination of aber-
rations was fi rst suggested by Thon (1966) for the measurement of
defocus from ring positions in an optically generated diffractogram.
This method was later extended through the use of diffractogram tab-
leaus acquired with different beam tilt azimuths (Figure 1–8) to the
measurement of the spherical aberration C
, axial coma B
, and three-
fold astigmatism A
by Krivanek (1976) and Zemlin et al. (1978).
However, the diffractogram tableau method was computationally too
demanding for routine use at this time and was used only to demonstrate
that the alignment achieved from current reversal or voltage centering
was inadequate as an alignment for HRTEM (Saxton et al., 1983).
The current reversal center alignment involves reversing the current of the
objective lens and is no longer practical with the strong lenses used in modern
instruments. It should not be confused with the current center alignment,
where the objective lens current is oscillated by a small amount. Similarly, in
the voltage center alignment, the high tension is oscillated. Generally, the axes
found by the three methods are distinct and the voltage center provides a
workable approximation to the coma-free axis, but for HRTEM coma-free
alignment is preferred.