Figure 7–3. Single particle investigation of the giant protein complex TPP II from Drosophila mela-
nogaster embedded in vitrifi ed ice. In eukaryotes, tripeptidyl peptidase II (TPPII) is a crucial compo-
nent of the protein degradation pathway. The 150-kDa subunits of Drosophila TPPII assemble into a
giant proteolytic complex of 6 MDa with a remarkable architecture consisting of two segmented and
twisted strands that form a spindle-shaped structure (length 56 nm, width 24 nm). a) Cryo-electron
micrograph of isolated TPP II complexes illustrating the very weak image contrast and the high level
of noise. b) Averaging and classifi cation of a large number of equivalent projections of separate mole-
cules. Once a large set of views is available, a preliminary 3D reconstruction can be computed and
refi ned iteratively. c) The 3D model obtained by cryo-electron microscopy, reveals details of the
molecular architecture and, in conjunction with biochemical data, provides insight into the assembly
mechanism. The building blocks of this complex are apparently dimers, within which the 150 kDa
monomers are oriented head to head. Stacking of these dimers leads to the formation of twisted single
strands, two of which comprise the fully assembled spindle (Rockel et al., 2002 and 2005).
Figure 7–4. Cellular cryo-electron tomography of the magnetotactic microorganism Magnetospirillum
griphiswaldense. The entire bacterium is oriented like a compass needle inside the magnetic fi eld in its
search for optimal living conditions. The miniature cellular compass is made by a chain of single
nano-magnets, called magnetosomes (the scale bar represents 200 nm). a) The two-dimensional image
represents one projection (at 0°) from an angular tilt-series. b) x–y slices along the z axis through a
typical three-dimensional reconstruction (tomogram). c) Surface-rendered representation of the inside
of the cell showing the membrane (blue), vesicles (yellow), magnetite crystals (red) and a fi lamentous
structure (green). Until now, it was not clear how the cells organise magnetosomes into a stable chain,
against their physical tendency to collapse by magnetic attraction. However, the biochemical analysis
revealed a protein responsible for the chain formation and the 3D investigation a cytoskeletal struc-
ture, which aligns the magnetosomes like pearls on a string (Scheffel et al., 2005).