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from the parametric model. This estimator is important since it achieves
the CRLB asymptotically. In Section 5.4, an important purpose for
which the expressions for the CRLB can be used will be introduced,
namely, statistical experimental design.
5.1 Parametric Statistical Models of Observations
Generally, due to the inevitable presence of noise, sets of observations
made under the same conditions nevertheless differ from experiment
to experiment. The usual way to describe this behavior is to model the
observations as stochastic variables. The reason is that there is no viable
alternative and that it has been found to work (van den Bos, 1999; van
den Bos and den Dekker, 2001). By defi nition, a stochastic variable is
characterized by its probability density function, while a set of stochas-
tic variables has a joint probability density function.
Consider a set of stochastic observations w
, m = 1, . . . , M made at
the measurement points x
, . . . , x
. These measurement points are
assumed to be exactly known. In electron microscopy, the observations
are, for example, electron counting results made at the pixels of a CCD
camera, where M represents the total number of pixels. The reader
should not be misled by the fact that the observations and measure-
ment points are here represented in a one-dimensional way. It is
intended as a general representation. Also if the observations and
measurement points would be two- or higher-dimensional, they can
easily be transformed to a one-dimensional representation. For example,
if the observations and measurement points are two-dimensional, say,
, k = 1, . . . , K, l = 1, . . . , L and x
, k = 1, . . . , K, l = 1, . . . , L, respec-
tively, they can also be represented as w
, m = 1, . . . , M and x
, m =
1, . . . , M, respectively, with M = K × L. The M × 1 vector w defi ned as
w = (w
. . . w
is the column vector of these observations. It represents a point in the
Euclidean M space having w
, . . . , w
as coordinates. This will be
called space of observations (van den Bos and den Dekker, 2001). The
expectations of the observations, that is, the mean values of the obser-
vations, are defi ned by their probability density function. The vector
of expectations
E[w] = (E[w
] . . . E[w
is also a point in the space of observations and the observations are
distributed about this point. The symbol E[⋅] denotes the expectation
operator. The expectations of the observations are described by the
expectation model, that is, a physical model, that contains the unknown
parameters to be estimated, such as the position coordinates of the
projected atoms or atom columns. In a sense, this model has fi rst been
introduced in Section 4 on the understanding that it now describes the
expectations of the observations whereas in Section 4, the model
describes noise-free observations. The unknown parameters are
represented by the R × 1 parameter vector τ = (τ
. . . τ
. Thus, it is
supposed that the expectation of the mth observation is described by