Chapter 20 The Notion of Resolution 1261
model-based resolution. It has also been shown how to improve statis-
tical model-based resolution using statistical experimental design.
Finally, ultimate model-based resolution is considered. Depending
on the observations, the solutions of the position estimates may coin-
cide exactly. It is shown that ultimately, resolution is limited by errors,
both systematic and nonsystematic. This limit is fundamental: no
increase in computer power or improved software can remove it. It
would be present even if the structure is resolved and suffi cient com-
puter power would be available for fi tting them. Removing these limits
requires more and preferably different observations of the same
Acknowledgments. Dr. S. Van Aert gratefully acknowledges the fi nan-
cial support of the Fund for Scientifi c Research—Flanders (FWO). The
research of Dr. A.J. den Dekker has been made possible by a fellowship
of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
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