Index I17
Phase contrast imaging
in BF STEM, 81–82
in LEEM, conditions for, 628
Phase contrast index function (PCI)
HRTEM and, 24
for mismatched values, 25
Phase contrast layout, of TXM, 868–870
Phase contrast transfer function (PCTF), 82
plottings of, 15
Phase correlation function (PCF)
defocus difference and, 24
relative defocus and, 23–24
XCF and, 23
Phase correlation function/phase contrast index
function (PCF/PCI) approach, 25
Phase diagram, of water, 238
Phase differences, step contrast for, 629
Phase identifi cation, by dark-fi eld imaging, 626
Phase object approximation (POA), HRTEM and, 9
Phase problem, in optics, 1197
Phase profi le plotting, in electron holography, 1149
Phase stability, in NiAl, 454
Phase transformations
amorphization and, 448–449
crystallization and, 448–449
grain growth and, 448, 452
in magnetic material, 482
melting and, 448–449
in nanostructured materials, 458–463
of silicide, 457
sintering and, in free-standing nanoparticles,
in situ transmission electron microscopy and,
solid-liquid interface and, 450–453
solid-to-liquid transformation and, 450–453
Phase transitions, in magnetic materials, 480–481
Phase-only fi ltering (POF), 585
Phonon scattering, 91
multislice formalism and, 92
Phospholipid/protein fi lm, secondary electron
micrograph of, 229, 230
Photoelectron guns, for DTEM, 414–419
materials for, 416–419
metallic emitters and, 417–419
semiconducting emitters and, 416–417
Photoemission, XPEEM and, 659–661
Photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM), 606,
aberration correction of, 671–677
electron lens aberrations in, 673
electron optical confi guration of, schematic
drawing of, 664
equipotential contours, objective lens, 666
history of, 657–658
intermediate/projective lens on, 666–668
layout of, 659
MTFs of, 670
objective lens of, 665
schematic drawing of, 676
spatial resolution of, 668–675
time-resolved, layout of, 688
transmission of, 668–675
uncorrected, 664–671
X-ray sources for, 658–667
Photoluminescence (PL), 1120
Photomultiplier tube (PMT), 755
Photon maps, atomic scale detail in, 1122
Physisorption/DLVO force, for AFM
macromolecular samples, 1054
Physisorption/hydrophobic/hydrophilic interaction,
AFM and, 1055
Piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM), 945
contrast mechanism maps of, 957
PZT capacitor and, 955
working principle of, 953
Piezoresponse (PR), 954
PL. See Photoluminescence
Planar zone plate
contour plot of, 853
Seidel aberration of, 851
Planar zone plates, contour effi ciency plot of, 854
Plasma display cell, SPEM of, 903
Plasma energy, variation of, 395
Plasmon, 100
Plunge freezing instrumentation, Cryo-ET and, 550
Plunge freezing process steps, Cryo-ET and, 551
PMMA. See Polymethyl methacrylate
PMT. See Photomultiplier tube
POA. See Phase object approximation
POF. See Phase-only fi ltering
Point defects formation/clustering, electron beam-
induced phenomena and, 511–513
Point image, simulation experiment of, 1240
Point spread function (PSF), 412, 759, 791
STED and, 820
variations in
with focusing depth, 760
with mismatch conditions, 760
Polycrystalline Au/n-Si(001), BEEM on, 1009
Polycrystalline materials
crystallographic characterization of, 134
deformation in, 487–490
Polycrystalline sample, cross section of, 193
Polycrystalline ZnO, transport imaging in, 948
Polyfi n-polycarbonate polymer composite, section of,
Polymers, X-ray transmission spectromicroscopy of,
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), secondary
electron micrograph of, 208
Poly-N-isopropylacrylamide ( PNIPA Am),
secondary electron micrograph of, 235
Polystyrene spheres, interferometric TXM image of,
Polyvinyl methyl ether (PVME), high-resolution
micrographs, 221
Pore protomers, 1063
Position measurement, with CRLB, 1245–1246