1216 J.C.H. Spence
radiation at about 600 eV. In recent work (Chapman et al., 2006), a
simple zone plate was used as a monochromator, following by a beam-
defi ning aperture of about 10 µm in diameter, coherently fi lled. A nude
soft X-ray CCD camera, employing 1024 × 1024 24-µm pixels was used.
The sample is mounted in the center of a silicon nitride window fi tted
to a TEM single-tilt holder, which provides automated rotation about
a single axis normal to the X-ray beam. The window is rectangular,
with the long axis normal to both the beam and the holder axis. Dif-
fraction patterns are recorded at 1° rotation increments, with a typical
recording time of about 15 min per orientation. The maximum tilt angle
is then limited by the thickness of the silicon frame around the window
to perhaps 80°, resulting in a missing wedge of data. In addition, data
may be missing around the axial beamstop. The development of
software for automated tomographic diffraction data collection and
merging is a large undertaking (Frank et al., 1996), and much can be
learned from the prior experience of tomography in biological electron
In that case, however, the registration of successive images at different
tilts is greatly facilitated by direct observation of image features. The
use of shadow images or X-ray zone-plate images for similar purposes
has been suggested. With no direct imaging mode, much time is wasted
in X-ray work locating the beam on the sample, which, with current
CCD detectors, will typically be smaller than 2 µm in diameter. The
fi nal resolution (in one dimension), allowing for an “oversampling”
factor of 2, will then be 4000/1024 = 3.9 nm. The camera length (sample-
to-detector distance) of the diffraction camera must then be selected to
allow half this spatial frequency to fall at the edge of the CCD camera
at u
= θ
/λ = 0.5/3.9 nm
, so that the maximum scattering angle is
= 0.25 rad for λ = 2 nm. Then the fi nest periodicity in the object
(3.9/0.5 nm) is sampled twice in every period, according to Shannon’s
requirement (two points are required to defi ne the period and ampli-
tude of a sine wave if aliasing is excluded). For a CCD with linear pixel
number N, the ratio of the fi nest detail to largest dimension is N/2, so
that developments in detector technology limit CDI. The transverse
spatial coherence of the beam must exceed 4 µm, as discussed together
with monochromator requirements below.
Tomographic or three-dimensional imaging can provide the ability
to “see inside” an object, but this requires that the intensity at a point
in a projection be proportional to a line integral of some simple prop-
erty of the object, such as the charge density. Then methods such as
fi ltered back-projection can reassemble these two-dimensional projec-
tions into a volume density. Contours of equal density may then be
isolated and presented to show the internal structure. For CXDI, a dif-
ferent approach is used, and some simplifi cations occur. It is no longer
necessary to make the resolution-limiting “fl at Ewald sphere” approxi-
mation, since diffraction data collected at one tilt can be assigned to
points lying on the curved Ewald sphere in reciprocal space. (This is
the momentum and energy-conserving sphere that describes elastic
scattering in reciprocal space.) The sample is then rotated through this
sphere around a single axis, until all of the reciprocal space is fi lled,
microscopy, where these techniques have been perfected (Frank, 2006).