1202 J.C.H. Spence
become important in future work, and should be preserved. The terms
“real object” and “complex object” have also been widely adopted in
optics, but should strictly refer to the nature of the exit-face wavefunc-
tion for two-dimensional imaging. [For a strong phase object described
by Eq. (1), the object ∆n may be real, but the exit-face wavefunction
complex. Most authors would refer to this as a “complex object,”
however, the object property we wish to recover is ∆n(r).] It is also
useful to reserve the word image for real-space functions, and diffraction
for reciprocal space, so that the term “diffraction image,” when refer-
ring to a diffraction pattern, should be avoided. The measured diffrac-
tion pattern intensity is I(u) = |Φ(u)|
, with Φ(u) the Fourier transform
of Ψ(r) and scattering vector |u| = Θ/λ for small scattering angles Θ.
(Here λ is the X-ray, or relativistically corrected de Broglie wavelength
for electrons.) I(u) = I(−u) if Ψ(r) is real, or, for complex objects, if Ψ(r)
= Ψ(−r). Φ(u) = Φ*(−u) for real Ψ(r), while Φ(u) is a signed real quantity
if Ψ(r) = Ψ(−r) and Ψ(r) is real. The aim of diffractive imaging is to
reconstruct the object from the scattered intensity I(u); however, as a
fi rst step the exit-face wavefunction Ψ(r), which is simply related to
Φ(u) by a Fourier transform, is obtained. [This reduces to determina-
tion of the sign of Φ(u) if Ψ(r) = Ψ(−r) and Ψ(r) is real.] The further
recovery of object properties ρ(R) or V(R) from Ψ(r) may be possible
only in the absence of multiple scattering or inelastic scattering. For
electron diffraction, the weak-phase approximation generates a “real
object” in the language of optics and diffractive imaging, as described
below. For X-ray diffraction, where single-scattering conditions are
common, the absence of spatially dependent absorption (due to the
photoelectric effect) provides such a “real object,” so that imaging
should be performed at energies that avoid absorption edges for any
elements present if phase contrast is expected. A single, spatially
uniform absorptive process, however, may allow the phase contrast
formulation to be used. The introduction of the transmission function
allows a simple extension to the case of coherent convergent-beam
illumination and related methods for phasing (Spence and Zuo,
We now relate Ψ(r) to the wanted object properties ρ(R) or V(R) for
the case of visible light, electron beams, and X-rays in the projection,
iconal, or “fl at Ewald sphere” approximation. Both refractive and dis-
sipative (inelastic) processes may occur. In each case it is necessary to
consider whether an iconal or projection approximation may be made,
and the question of whether three-dimensional (tomographic) infor-
mation (discussed later) may be extracted.
The simplest case for each radiation is that in which the projection
approximation holds, in which case the image Ψ(r) may be treated as
a simple projection of some property of the sample, taken in the beam
direction. Then, if a transmission sample in the form of a thin plate of
thickness t is illuminated by a plane-wave,
ψψ πλπrrr r ur
22exp / exp∆
For normal-incidence plane-wave illumination u
= 0, and we may
set Ψ
(r) = 1, and Ψ(r) = exp[−iθ(r)]. Here ∆n
is proportional to the