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wedge that had not been prepared by focused ion beam milling, for an
applied reverse bias of 2 V, where an external electrostatic fringing fi eld
is visible. Such fringing fi elds were never observed outside unbiased
cleaved wedges or any focused ion beam milled specimens, indicating
that the surfaces of the present TEM specimens prepared by focused
ion beam milling are equipotentials under applied bias.
The importance of minimizing and assessing damage, implantation,
and specimen thickness variations when examining focused ion beam
milled TEM specimens that contain p–n junctions has been highlighted
by results from unbiased samples (Wang et al., 2002a–c, 2005). The
most elegant of these experiments involved the use of focused ion
beam milling to form a 45° specimen thickness profi le, from which
both the phase change across the junction and the absolute phase shift
relative to vacuum on each side of the junction could be plotted as a
function of specimen thickness. The slopes of the phase profi les were
then used to determine the built-in voltage across the junction, the
mean inner potentials on the p and n sides of the junction, and the
electrically altered layer thickness. Using this approach, the built-in
voltage across a junction with a dopant concentration of approximately
was measured to be 0.71 ± 0.05 V, while the mean inner poten-
tials of the p and n sides of the junction were measured to be 11.50 ±
0.27 and 12.1 ± 0.40 V, respectively. The electrically altered layer thick-
ness was measured to be approximately 25 nm on each surface of the
The electrical nature of the surface of a TEM specimen that contains
a doped semiconductor can be assessed by comparing experimental
holography results with simulations. Such a comparison, performed
using commercial semiconductor process simulation software
(Beleggia et al., 2001), suggests that electron beam-induced positive
charging of the surface of a TEM specimen, at a level of 10
creates an inversion layer on the p-side of the junction. This layer may
explain the absence of electrostatic fringing fi elds outside the specimen
surface, which would otherwise dominate the observed phase contrast
(Dunin-Borkowski and Saxton, 1996). Figure 18–21 shows the results
of an alternative set of numerical simulations, in which semiclassical
equations are used to determine the charge density and potential in a
parallel-sided Si sample that contains a p–n junction. The Fermi level
on the surface of the specimen is set to a single value to ensure that it
is an equipotential (Somodi et al., 2005). The simulations in Figure 18–
21 are for symmetrical junctions with dopant concentrations of 10
, and 10
. Contours of spacing 0.05 V are shown in each fi gure.
As either the dopant concentration or the specimen thickness decreases,
a correspondingly smaller fraction of the specimen retains electrical
properties that are close to those of the bulk device. In the simulations,
the average step in potential across the junction through the thickness
of the specimen, which is insensitive to the surface state energy, is
reduced from that in the bulk device. This reduction is greatest for low
sample thicknesses and low dopant concentrations. In practice, as a
result of additional complications from oxidation, physical damage,
and implantation, the simulations shown in Figure 18–21 are likely to