Chapter 18 Electron Holography 1147
Electron holograms have traditionally been recorded on photo-
graphic fi lm, but digital acquisition using charge coupled device (CCD)
cameras is now widely used due to their linear response, dynamic
range, and high detection quantum effi ciency, as well as the immediate
accessibility to the recorded information (de Ruijter, 1995; Meyer and
Kirkland, 2000). Whether a hologram is recorded on fi lm or digitally,
the fi eld of view is typically limited to approximately 5 µm by the
dimensions of the recording medium and the sampling of the holo-
graphic fringes. A phase image that is calculated digitally is usually
evaluated modulo 2π, meaning that 2π phase discontinuities that are
unrelated to specimen features will appear at positions where the
phase shift exceeds this amount. The phase image must often then be
“unwrapped” using suitable algorithms (Ghiglia and Pritt, 1998).
The high electron beam coherence that is required for electron holo-
graphy requires the use of an FEG electron source, a small spot size, a
small condenser aperture, and a low gun extraction voltage. The coher-
ence may be improved further by adjusting the condenser lens stigma-
tors in the microscope to provide elliptical illumination that is wide in
the direction perpendicular to the biprism when the condenser lens is
overfocused (Smith and McCartney, 1998). The contrast of the holo-
graphic interference fringes is determined primarily by the lateral
coherence of the electron wave at the specimen level, the mechanical
stability of the biprism wire, and the point spread function of the
recording medium. The fringe contrast
max min
max min
can be determined from a holographic interference fringe pattern that
has been recorded in the absence of a sample, where I
and I
the maximum and minimum intensities of the interference fringes,
respectively (Völkl et al., 1995). Should the fringe contrast decrease too
much, reliable reconstruction of the image wavefunction will no longer
be possible.
The phase detection limit for electron holography (Harscher and
Lichte, 1996) can be determined from the effect on the recorded holo-
gram of Poisson-distributed shot noise, the detection quantum effi -
ciency and point spread function of the CCD camera, and the fringe
contrast. The minimum phase difference between two pixels that can
be detected is given by the expression
where SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio, µ is defi ned in Eq. (9), and N
is the number of electrons collected per pixel (Lichte, 1995). In practice,
some averaging of the measured phase is often implemented, particu-
larly if the features of interest vary slowly across the image or only in
one direction. A fi nal artifact results from the presence of Fresnel dif-
fraction at the biprism wire, which is visible in Figure 18–1b and causes
phase and amplitude modulations of both the image and the reference