Chapter 17 Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 1129
3.6 Superconductivity
The technique of tunneling was initially used as a tool to understand
the bulk properties of superconductors. Electron tunneling through
thin insulating fi lms into superconductors is used to study how the
density of states in a superconductor is modifi ed. This technique aver-
ages over a macroscopic area and requires a high-quality insulating
tunneling barrier. By using an STM for these measurements, a control-
lable vacuum barrier is used instead and superconductors can be
studied, which do not support the formation of good, high-quality insu-
lating fi lms. Moreover, tunneling takes place over only a small area and
variations in the density of states can be studied on an atomic scale.
According to BCS theory, the superconducting state is a new ground
state where electrons of opposite momentum and spin form pairs. Any
excitation of this ground state requires a Cooper pair to be broken into
two single particle excitations. A minimum energy of ∆, the energy gap,
is required to create one of these quasiparticles. If an electron tunnels
from a metallic STM tip into the superconductor, it will enter into one
of these quasiparticle states. Therefore the tunneling current provides
a direct measure of the density of these states. Superconductors expel
a magnetic fi eld up to a certain critical fi eld (Meissner effect). For larger
fi elds, superconductivity is destroyed. In type II superconductors a
mixed phase exists for certain magnetic fi eld strengths, consisting of
hexagonal lattices of normal conducting vortices (fl ux lines) in the
superconductor, the so-called Abrikosov vortex lattice. Many experi-
ments have confi rmed the existence of these fl ux lines, e.g., electron
microscopy (Bosch et al., 1985) and electron holography (Matsuda et al.,
1989; Harada et al., 1992; Bonevich et al., 1993). These techniques are
sensitive to the magnetic fi eld variations. STM, in contrast, is sensitive
to the electronic structure. The fi rst LT-STM observation of fl ux lines
and the fl ux lattice has been reported by Hess (Hess, 1991; Hess et al.,
1989, 1990a,b, 1991). Surfaces of NbSe
have been studied in a ultralow
temperature STM in a temperature range from 50 mK to 7 K. Differen-
tial conductance spectra in zero applied fi eld showed the development
of the superconducting energy gap below 7.2 K, which opens up to
about 1.1 meV at the lowest temperatures. A second discontinuity was
observed in the density of states at ±34 mV. This feature resulted from
the charge density wave (CDW) gap, since this material also supports
a CDW state. Differential conductance spectra taken at 0 mV from a
single vortex core at an applied fi eld of 500 G showed the normal con-
ducting vortex as a star pattern, which was explained as resulting from
the 6-fold anisotropy of the atomic crystalline band structure. At 0 mV
no state should exist in the superconductor, since this is the middle of
the superconducting gap. Therefore the normal conducting vortex core
was imaged bright on a dark background. At higher fi elds, the vortices
organize into a hexagonal lattice. Figure 17–46 shows this lattice at a
fi eld of 10 kG. The dI/dV map at 1.3 mV was recorded under constant
current feedback conditions with 1.3 mV bias. The question arises
whether the localized current from the STM tip is suffi ciently large to
cause local perturbations such as heating, exceeding the local critical