1096 U. Weierstall
ARPES from a surface state, the lifetime of a photohole state can be
determined by analyzing the spectral linewidth Γ of a photoemission
excitation. The spectral linewidth of a photoemission line gives access
to the lifetime τ via Γ =
h/τ. ARPES integrates over a large surface area
(typically ≥1 mm
) and contains contributions from surface imperfec-
tions over the whole investigated surface range (Theilmann et al., 1997).
Therefore peak widths in ARPES are infl uenced by surface conditions
(defects, roughness) as well as fi nite energy and angular resolution
(so-called nonlifetime effects). Defects on the surface are known to
strongly couple the surface-state electrons to bulk states and thus
reduce lifetimes (Crampin et al., 1994). It would be desirable to apply
the concept of measuring lifetimes from the linewidth of spectral fea-
tures directly to STS. The nonlifetime effects could then be avoided by
measuring the lifetime locally with an STM tip on a spot bare of impu-
rities. The ability of the STM to detect surface topography and to iden-
tify minute amounts of contamination well below the limits of
conventional surface analytical techniques ensures that an effectively
defect-free surface is studied. Since STS does not offer momentum
resolution, measuring the lifetime of a specifi c state defi ned by its
momentum k
and energy E may seem impossible. This problem can
be circumvented to some extend as shown below.
The surface-state (excited hole) lifetime on Ag(111) has been deter-
mined at the dispersion minimum (k
= 0) by evaluating the linewidth
of the surface state onset in dI/dV tunneling spectra (Li et al., 1998a;
Pivetta et al., 2003; Kliewer et al., 2000). Calculated dI/dV spectra show
(Li et al., 1998a) that this linewidth depends on the imaginary part Σ
of the electron self-energy. As Σ increases, the onset of the surface-state
contribution is seen to broaden. Therefore the measured linewidth can
be used to estimate Σ or the lifetime τ =
h/2Σ (Li et al., 1998a) of a hole
in the surface state at the band minimum. The fi rst lifetime measure-
ments (Li et al., 1998a) were performed at a temperature of 5 K using
W tips on Ag(111). Differential conductance spectra were recorded
under open feedback loop conditions, adding a modulation voltage
(1–10 mV at ω = 230 Hz) and using a lock-in amplifi er to record the
signal at ω. Figure 17–22 shows a dI/dV spectrum measured on a large
defect-free terrace showing the characteristic surface state band onset
of width ∆, used to estimate the spectral linewidth (also called lifetime
width or inverse lifetime) Γ =
h/τ. The geometric width ∆ is a combina-
tion of the spectral linewidth Γ of the surface state, thermal broaden-
ing, and additional broadening due to the modulation technique used
to measure the spectrum. The electron self-energy Σ and the corre-
sponding lifetime τ = 67 ± 8 fs were determined from a line-shape
analysis. This measured spectral linewidth was considerably smaller
than previous PES measurements. A more recent lifetime measure-
ment (Pivetta et al., 2003) with the same method resulted in even
smaller spectral linewidths, which were about 1 meV smaller than
recent photoemission (Nicolay et al., 2000) results and theoretical pre-
dictions (Eiguren et al., 2002). Since STS is measured on locally defect-
free surface regions, a smaller spectral linewidth (i.e., a larger lifetime
of surface hole states) than in photoemission is expected. Lifetimes