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ously measured dI/dV signal does not refl ect ρ
anymore, because the
z adjustments infl uence the barrier transmission T, which depends
exponentially on z. Since dI/dV is proportional to the product of ρ
T, ρ
at E = eV can be recovered from dI/dV by division with T, which
is measured by measuring z(x), i.e., a constant-current image. With
these corrections, good agreement between LT-STM-derived disper-
sion curves E(k) and PES-derived dispersion curves has been achieved
(Li et al., 1997).
Another solution to avoid convolution between standing waves in
the tip height z of the constant-current line scan and those in the simul-
taneously recorded dI/dV spectra is to control z at a large negative bias
voltage (relative to the sample). Under these conditions, the current I
contains contributions from electronic states with many different oscil-
lation periods (k
values), which minimizes the standing waves in the
z signal (ILDOS). Thus the tip moves to a good approximation parallel
to the surface plane, unaffected by interference patterns in the LDOS.
The differential conductance is then roughly proportional to the LDOS
of the sample (Hormandinger, 1994). Such a measurement has been
published by Jeandupeux et al. (1999), and the result is shown in Figure
17–14. The upper graph displays the constant-current line scan on
which the tip was moved while taking differential conductance maps.
It can be seen that at a bias voltage of V = 0.3 V the tip–surface distance
is almost unaffected by standing waves and follows the real topogra-
phy. The differential conductance data are represented by gray levels
as a function of the distance x from the step edge and the energy E.
This plot already illustrates the dispersion of the Ag(111) surface state:
from top to bottom the wavelength of the LDOS oscillations increases
until it diverges at the band edge at E
= −65 meV. Analyzing constant
energy cuts of the differential conductance plot in Figure 17–14 in
quantitative terms by modeling the refl ection of electrons at a potential
barrier with a refl ected amplitude and a phase shift leads to values for
the wave number k for each energy, and thus the energy dispersion
relation E(k) of the Ag(111) surface state, which is shown in Figure 17–
15. The data were in excellent agreement with other STS-derived data
(Li et al., 1997) and PES data (Paniago et al., 1995).
The previously shown measurements of the dispersion relation on
noble metal surfaces were limited to k
vectors around the center of
the surface Brillouin zone (SBZ) and it has been found that in this limit
the surface state is free electron like, i.e., has an isotropic parabolic
dispersion. LT-STS measurements on Ag(111) and Cu(111) over an
extended energy range have shown a signifi cant deviation from free
electron behavior for large k
vectors approaching the symmetry points
at the SBZ boundary (Burgi et al., 2000b).
Direct visualization of the surface state dispersion on Ag(110) by
means of Fourier transformation of differential conductance data taken
with an LT-STM at 4 K at energies up to the vacuum level has also been
shown (Pascual et al., 2001b). Low temperatures (4 K) enabled the nec-
essary high (2 meV) energy resolution and high stability to allow long
recording times for the measurement of the differential conductance
(dI/dV) using lock-in amplifi cation techniques.