Chapter 16 Atomic Force Microscopy in the Life Sciences 1051
10–15 µm is required, otherwise the tip will be unable to move high
enough to scan over the cell nucleus. Larger x and y scan ranges of
100 µm or more are also generally required for cell imaging, and some-
times also for imaging much smaller samples, which may be distrib-
uted inhomogeneously over the surface. The piezoceramic material
used for all AFM scanners suffers from various problems of nonlinear-
ity, hysteresis, and creep. Although it is possible to move the tip very
precisely, this is against a large background of position changes due to
longer term effects in the piezo material, as it continues moving slowly
for a long time after a voltage jump is applied (creep) or moves variable
distances depending on its history (hysteresis). These problems have
been addressed by adding position sensors (such as capacitive or
strain-based sensors) along the movement axes, so that the tip move-
ment is no longer set merely by converting the desired position into a
simple voltage. The current position of the tip is constantly read by the
position sensors and the nonlinearity of the piezo material and its
changes over time can be constantly corrected, using another feedback
loop. These “linearized” piezo systems are also becoming available in
commercial AFM systems and are likely to become standard.
There are two possibilites generally used for the lateral scanning for
an AFM—tip scanning or sample scanning. For general AFM, these
are equivalent, and both have their advantages and disadvantages, but
in terms of optimizing an AFM for biological samples, tip scanning
generally has clear advantages. On a basic practical level, much of AFM
imaging for life science research has to take place in aqueous solutions,
usually containing a reasonably high concentration of salt, and there
is always a greater risk of expensive damage when the high-voltage
piezoelectronics sit at a lower level than the sample. Even using a tip-
scanner, the AFM must be carefully designed so that the electronics
and piezo elements above the sample are protected from accidental
spillage or water vapor. This is particularly important if the sample is
to be heated to 37°C, when the evaporation is signifi cant, and con-
densed water vapor could easily collect in an unsealed AFM head.
There is also a more fundamental problem with sample scanning,
however, as simultaneous AFM and optical imaging cannot generally
be performed. When the sample is moved in the z direction, which
usually lies along the optical axis, the objective lens can be tracked
with the sample using a piezoactuated lens holder, but this is not pos-
sible for lateral scanning movements across the optical axis.
2.7.3 Sample Environment
In addition to the considerations already discussed about the need for
using coverslips as a sample support for many optical imaging applica-
tions, there are other practical issues raised by life science samples.
Temperature control of the sample is often important for studying
molecular reactions or whole cells under physiological conditions, and,
for example, many lipid bilayers used as model cell membranes undergo
phase transitions over the range from around 10 to 37°C and above.
Perfusion is also important, particularly for in situ experiments and to
introduce molecules for reactions, blocking, or to change the properties