Chapter 16 Atomic Force Microscopy in the Life Sciences 1047
excitation frequency chosen to be close by (on the lower-frequency
fl ank of the peak). In close vicinity to the sample but prior to contact,
the interaction between the tip and the sample will change the reso-
nance conditions for the lever (as the cantilever now enters an inter-
mediate state between a lever free on one side and a lever fi xed on both
sides). This in turn will cause the amplitude to decrease, because the
driving frequency is now further away from the resonant frequency.
The shift in resonant frequency is a function of the force gradient
(dF/dz) between the tip and the sample. The microscope is operated to
keep the amplitude reduction at a defi ned level and, hence, the tip at
a defi ned distance to the sample. Although noncontact imaging prom-
ises to be the most subtle mode for highly deformable, weakly immo-
bilized objects, it has not become popular so far in life science
applications because it does not usually allow for stable high-resolution
tracing of an interface of a biological sample. This might be because
the tip is kept at a distance to the sample where it still can oscillate
considerably by thermal noise and instrument instabilities. Very stable
microscopes, very small cantilevers, and very sharp tips with a high
aspect ratio may, in the future, bring about a strong improvement for
this potentially attractive imaging mode.
2.6.3 Intermittent Contact Mode (Tapping Mode, Dynamic
Force Microscopy)
Intermittent contact mode AFM in a certain sense combines the advan-
tages of noncontact and contact AFM. The probe oscillates as in the
noncontact operation. But the set point for the amplitude is now chosen
so that the tip can make brief contact with the sample in each cycle of
its oscillation. As in the noncontact mode, there are no lateral forces
excerpted on the sample. As in contact mode AFM, the local topological
height is determined accurately by the well-defi ned contact point. This
mode has therefore had success in imaging well-separated molecules
bound to an underlying support rather weakly that did not withstand
the lateral forces of contact mode imaging. It is notable, however, that
the loading force during contact is not smaller than with contact mode
AFM. Intermittent contact mode has resulted in resolution of molecular
samples on the order of 1 nm (Figure 16–17).
As in noncontact mode, intermittent contact mode AFM in air is
sensitive to a shift in resonance frequency that then brings about a
change in amplitude of the oscillation. In buffer, resonance effects are
small an and the microscope is largely sensitive to the restriction of
the oscillation brought about by the physical barrier posed by the
sample. Its sensitivity is thus limited by thermal fl uctuations and is
not signifi cantly enhanced by operating at resonance. In water, it is
desirable to choose as small an amplitude as possible to minimize
disturbance of the sample. In practice, the overall oscillation amplitude
is set to the smallest value that provides stable imaging. Then the
set point amplitude change is increased (increasing the resolution) to
the largest value that does not damage the sample. However, stable
operation requires amplitude suffi cient to pull the tip out of attractive