66 Chapter 1. Surface evolution equations
If one starts from a nonconvex curve, it becomes convex in finite time for (1.5.5)
as M. A. Grayson (1987) proved. Such convexity formation is also generalized by
J. Oaks (1994) for an anisotropic orientation free equation including (1.8.1). For
more development of the theory the reader is referred to papers of K.-S. Chou and
X.-P. Zhu (1999b), X.-P. Zhu (1998), books by K.-S. Chou and X.-P. Zhu (2001)
and X.-P. Zhu (2002).
There are several related results for the Gaussian curvature flow equation
(1.5.9) and its modification V = K
(α>0). K. Tso (1985) proved that solution
of (1.5.9) remains smooth and strictly convex and shrinks to a point if the initial
hypersurface is strictly convex. For V = K
B. Chow (1985) proved that a
strict convex hypersurface shrinks to a point in finite time and the way of shrinking
is asymptotically equal to the sphere shrinking which corresponds to the results
of G. Huisken (1984) for the mean curvature flow equation. B. Andrews (1994)
extended the theory so that it includes both (1.5.4) and V = K
that the homogeneous degree with respect to principal curvatures are the same
both for K
and H so they can be treated simultaneously. For the affine
curvature flow equation V = K
the way of shrinking is asymptotically
equal to an ellipsoid shrinking. This is proved by G. Sapiro and A. Tannenbaum
(1994) for strict convex curves moved by (1.5.14) and later by B. Andrews (1996)
for strict convex hypersurfaces including curves. The situation for V = K
α>1/(n+1) is similar to the case α =1/(n−1) according to forthcoming papers of
B. Andrews. In fact, B. Andrews (2000) confirmed it for α ∈ (1/(n+1), 1/(n − 1)].
On the other hand if α<1/(n + 1), then there seems to be no general asymptotic
shrinking shapes. This conjecture was verified for N = 2 by B. Andrews (2002).
Self-similar solutions for the mean curvature flow equation. Classification of self-
similar solutions is a rather difficult topic even for the mean curvature flow equa-
tion with N ≥ 3.Thereexistsatorustypeself-similarsolutionasprovedbyS.
B. Angenent (1992). The existence of a self-similar solution whose genus is more
than 1 is conjectured by D. L. Chopp (1994). If a self-similar solution is monotone
shrinking and diffeomorphic to a sphere, it has been proved by G. Huisken (1990)
that it must be a shrinking sphere. However, without monotonicity it is not known
whether there is another self-similar solution diffeomorphic to the sphere.
Singularities for the mean curvature flow equation. The blow-up rate of curva-
tures near a singularity may be higher than the self-similar rate. Such a singularity
is called type II otherwise it is called Type I. A shrinking sphere is of course type
I. There exists a type II singularity as proved in S. Altschuler, S. B. Angenent
and Y. Giga (1995), where they construct a smooth surface shrinking to a point
without becoming convex. They applied a level set method with topological ar-
gument; see also Y. Giga (1995a). The existence of another type II singularity is
constructed for a higher dimensional surface by J. J. L. Vel´azquez (1994). Later
S. B. Angenent and J. J. L. Vel´azquez (1997) give more explicit examples.
If the evolution is monotone in time, the asymptotic shape of a singularity
is always convex (regardless of types of singularities). This statement has been